Developing Executive Functions (EF) of Early Childhood Using Activities to Enhance Experiences with Creative Media from Local Wisdom Materials
Early Childhood; , Executive Functions (EF); , Creative Media; , Local Wisdom MaterialsAbstract
Background and Aims: Promoting the foundation of developing Executive Functions (EF) in early childhood to develop their potential to grow and learn appropriately. By absorbing local wisdom, which is knowledge that comes from accumulated experiences that have cultural value to continue. The objectives of this research were: To develop executive Functions (EF) of early childhood by using activities to enhance experiences with creative media from local wisdom materials.
Methodology: The research design One - Group Pretest -Posttest Design. The target group for this study consisted is early childhood of Thesaban School 1 (Witthayanaree), Mueang District, Chaiyaphum Province. Kindergarten level 2, semester 1, academic year 2023, 20 people, using a simple random sampling. The tools used in the Plan for organizing activities to enhance experiences with creative media from local wisdom materials and observation of Executive Functions (EF) of early childhood. The quality of the tools was analyzed by the Index of item objective congruence between the behavior characteristics and the purpose. From 3 experts, the Index of item objective congruence was 0.96. Data were analyzed by means, standard deviation, and t-test dependent.
Results: Basic skills group Before/after activities to enhance experiences, moderate level/ highest level, self-directed skills group Before/after activities to enhance experiences, moderate level/highest level, practical skills group Before/after activities to enhance experiences, moderate level/highest level after activities to enhance experiences. Early childhood has higher Executive Functions (EF) at a statistical significance of .05.
Conclusion: Early childhood who receive activities to enhance their experiences with creative media from local wisdom materials have higher Executive Functions (EF).
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