Legal Measures on Evidence and Fact-Finding Examination Procedures Under the Criminal Procedures Code
Criminal Facts Finding; , Evidence; , NarathiwatAbstract
Background and Aims: creating precise guidelines and standards for obtaining evidence and conducting examinations, legal measures ensure fair and just legal proceedings. These measures protect the rights of both the prosecution and the accused, fostering accountability and transparency within the criminal justice system. Thus, the objectives of this research are: 1) to study concepts and principles related to evidence-checking mechanisms; and truth in criminal cases. 2) To study legal measures regarding mechanisms for checking evidence and truth in criminal cases according to Thai and foreign laws. 3) To study and analyze problems regarding mechanisms for checking evidence and truth in criminal cases. 4) to suggest appropriate legal measures to use as a guideline for inspection. Evidence and truth in criminal cases.
Methodology: This study is qualitative research using a documentary research method. By studying primary documents and Academic articles Thesis is relevant and useful for research. To analyze in a descriptive essay.
Results: (1) concepts and principles include the protection of rights and freedoms by the state The concept of protecting human dignity criminal justice concept criminal prosecution concept criminal liability structure Procedures for criminal proceedings and preliminary investigation. (2) The problems discovered are the independence of the agency in the investigation Gathering evidence and finding the truth in criminal cases, which is often interfered with by superiors or the chain of command. (3) Have prosecutors go to the crime scene to check the truth and evidence at the crime scene for criminal cases with complex facts or important cases. And (4) Make additional amendments to the management of investigative agencies and to the Criminal Procedure Code. and amending Section 226 of the Criminal Procedure Code The court prefers to produce evidence as it appears and is the essence of the case according to the truth, which may benefit or harm the litigant.
Conclusion: The information emphasizes how important legal frameworks are for safeguarding rights, maintaining procedural justice, and dealing with issues like meddling in investigations. It also emphasizes the necessity of ongoing development and modifications to legal codes to improve the efficacy and integrity of criminal proceedings, placing a focus on the pursuit of justice and the truth while defending the rights of all parties.
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