Development of Morality and Ethics in Educational Institutions under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission Pathum Thani Province
Morality and ethics;, Development of morality and ethics in educational institutionsAbstract
Background and Aims: Developing a nation to compete with advanced countries requires prioritizing human resource development, with education serving as the foundation of this progress. Quality education establishes a sustainable knowledge base, essential for achieving economic, social, and political growth. This study aims to: (1) evaluate the level of moral and ethical development among staff in vocational institutions governed by the Vocational Education Commission in Pathum Thani Province; (2) compare staff perspectives on moral and ethical growth based on variables such as gender, position, and age; and (3) identify effective strategies to enhance moral and ethical standards within these educational institutions in Pathum Thani Province.
Methodology: The sample group for this research included 348 personnel from institutions under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission in Pathum Thani Province during the 2023 academic year, selected via stratified random sampling. Research tools comprised a questionnaire using a 5-point rating scale, which had an Item-Objective Congruence (IOC) value ranging from 0.80 to 1.00, a reliability coefficient of 0.83, and a structured interview. Data analysis utilized statistical methods such as frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, along with t-tests, F-tests, and pairwise comparisons using Scheffe’s method.
Results: The research results indicated that: (1) The overall level of morality and ethics development in educational institutions under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission in Pathum Thani Province was rated high across all dimensions, with consistently high ratings for each specific aspect. (2) Comparative analysis revealed significant differences in morality and ethics development based on gender and position at the 0.05 significance level, but no significant differences were found based on age. (3) Guidelines for enhancing morality and ethics emphasized systematic professional oversight, recognition of outstanding personnel, and structured curricula for moral and ethical growth. The Office of the Vocational Education Commission highlighted merit-based assessments grounded in moral principles, clear standards, and well-defined workloads. Additionally, educational administrators demonstrated effective leadership by modeling rational behavior, prioritizing reason over emotion.
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