The Results of Phenomenon-Based Learning Management to Enhance Life Skills of Early Childhood Children
Phenomenon-based Learning Management; , Life skills; , Early Childhood ChildrenAbstract
Background and Aims: Early childhood preparation is development. and encourage children to practice life skills necessary for children to be able to manage their needs and various challenges in daily life effectively Life skills also include the ability to get along with others. Strengthening life skills for early childhood should therefore be cultivated and reinforced from childhood. The purpose of this study was to compare the early childhood life skills before and after organizing learning activities using phenomenon-based learning management.
Methodology: The sample group used in this study were 15 early childhood children, male and female, aged 4 - 5 years, who are currently studying in kindergarten 2, semester 1, the academic year 2023, The Demonstration School of Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabphat University (Kindergarten), Bangkok. They were obtained by accidental sampling. The tools used in the study include a lesson plan of a phenomenon-based learning experience to enhance early childhood life skills and an early childhood life skills assessment form. Data were analyzed using average values, standard deviation, percentage, t-test for dependent sample, and content analysis.
Results: The results of the study found that in early childhood children who received learning management using phenomena as a basis The average life skills score after the experiment was higher than before the experiment. Before the experiment, the mean score was 10.53, standard deviation of 4.81, and after the experiment, the mean score was 25.13, standard deviation of 3.04. The mean score of life skills of early childhood children after organizing learning using phenomenon as a base was significantly higher. Statistics at the .05 level. The results of each aspect of the evaluation are analytical thinking. Decision making problem-solving and communication It was found that the average scores for life skills of most early childhood children before the experiment were at the level that should be developed. Accounted for 80.00 percent, followed by having fair life skills. calculated as 20.00 percent and after the life skills experiment of most early childhood children It's at a very good level. Accounting for 80.00 percent, followed by having moderate life skills. accounting for 13.33 percent and good level accounting for 6.67 percent, respectively. The average life skills score after the experiment was higher than before the experiment with statistical significance at the .05 level in all 4 areas. The suggestions are as follows: 1) Administrators should encourage the creation of an atmosphere in schools that is conducive to the development of life skills of early childhood children. 2) Teachers or related personnel organize activities that promote life skills of early childhood children continuously. both in organizing learning experiences and in daily practice and 3) the school organizes a project to educate parents about life skills training for early childhood children regularly when at home.
Conclusion: The results of the study show that using phenomena-based learning management in early childhood greatly improves life skills. This is demonstrated by a statistically significant increase in average scores after experimentation in all areas assessed. It is advised to create a supportive learning environment in schools, continue life skills-building activities, and regularly conduct parent education programs on early life skills training at home.
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