Knowledge Management Affecting Innovative Organization Provincial Waterworks Authority, Branches of Provincial Waterworks Authority Regional Office 5
Knowledge Management;, Innovation Organization;, Provincial Waterworks AuthorityAbstract
Background and Aims: advancing the company in line with the current wave of globalization and technology advancements. Establishing an innovative culture within an organization is imperative, and knowledge management is a crucial component that all organizations should strive to incorporate as it plays a pivotal role in fostering innovation within the organization. Establishing strategies and visions for the organization's stability and sustainability, the Provincial Waterworks Authority is a branch of the Provincial Waterworks Authority District 5. The purpose of this research study was: 1) Investigate the level of knowledge management of Provincial Waterworks Authority employees under the Provincial Waterworks Authority Regional Office 5. 2) Investigate the level of innovative organization of Provincial Waterworks Authority employees under the Provincial Waterworks Authority, Regional Office 5. 3) Knowledge management affecting innovation organization Provincial Waterworks Authority, branches of Provincial Waterworks Authority Regional Office 5.
Methodology: Collected data by using a Questionnaire from a sample of 201 people. The statistics used to analyze the data were mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis.
Results: (1) The overall level of knowledge management among employees of Provincial Waterworks Authority under Provincial Waterworks Authority Regional Office 5 was at the highest possible; this included creating, seeking, storing, searching, publishing, and applying knowledge in the proper order. (2) When it comes to innovation in products and services as well as process innovation, Provincial Waterworks Authority employees under Provincial Waterworks Authority, Regional Office 5 have the highest level of innovative organization. And (3) The impact of knowledge management on the innovative organization of Provincial Waterworks Authority employees, including branches and Regional Office 5.
Conclusion: The results indicate that the staff members of Provincial Waterworks Authority Regional Office 5 demonstrate remarkable expertise in knowledge management, which fosters increased innovation in a range of areas, such as services, processes, and products. Furthermore, the relationship that exists between knowledge management and organizational innovation highlights the critical function that knowledge utilization plays in promoting innovation within the framework of the Provincial Waterworks Authority.
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