Readiness to Implement STEM Education to Foster Learner Development in Accordance with the PISA 2025 Assessment Framework of Teachers Under the Bang Khun Thian District Office, Bangkok Metropolis
Readiness; , Stem Education; , PISA 2025 Assessment FrameworkAbstract
Background and Aims: It is an important and attractive process to prepare junior and senior high school teachers to adapt to the PISA 2025 assessment framework, which aims to prepare teachers to teach and support students' learning in the digital world. In this research, the researcher examines (1) the readiness of teachers under the Bang Khun Thian District Office, Bangkok Metropolis to implement STEM education under the PISA 2025 assessment framework; and (2) compares the readiness of the teachers under study with different subjects.
Methodology: The research population consisted of 100 teachers teaching science, mathematics, and computers at the level of higher elementary and lower secondary in schools under the Bang Khun Thian District Office, Bangkok Metropolis. The research instrument was a 25-item checklist. The statistics used in data analysis consisted of descriptive statistics of frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
Results: The research found are as follows: (1) Overall, the teachers under study exhibited the readiness to implement STEM education under the PISA 2025 assessment framework at a moderate level (the mean score being 76.16 percent of the full score). (2) The readiness of the teachers under investigation with different subjects found the following. The teachers teaching the subject of computers exhibited the mean score of readiness to implement STEM education under the PISA 2025 assessment framework at a higher level than those teaching other subjects. This was considered readiness at a high level (the mean score being 83.56 percent of the full score).
Conclusion: With an average score of 76.16 percent, the study shows that teachers are only moderately prepared to implement STEM education within the PISA 2025 assessment framework. Those who teach computer-related subjects, on the other hand, score 83.56 percent, which is significantly higher and indicates a notable proficiency level that is favorable to successful STEM integration in their teaching practices.
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