A Construction of A Diagnostic Test for Learning in Physics: Force and Newton's Law of Motion for Grade 10 Students
Learning Defects; , Four-tier Diagnostic TestAbstract
Background and Aims: The diagnostic test is a test to determine the deficiencies, weaknesses, and causality of the learning deficiencies of students in various fields and the use of information to promote learning. This research aims to 1) create a construction of a diagnostic test for learning in physics: force and Newton's law of motion for grade 10 students. 2) Diagnosed learning in physics: force and Newton's law of motion for grade 10 students.
Methodology: The sample group used in this research is grade 10 students (science-mathematics plan) for the academic year 2566 B. E. in schools under the Office of the Private Education Promotion Commission, in Samutprakarn province, 236 people. The tool used in this diagnostic test is group sampling. The research instrument used a diagnostic test for learning in physics: force and Newton's law of motion using the four-tier diagnostic test to check the quality of the diagnostic test with content correspondence, precision, difficulty, and statistical classification power used in analyzing data such as frequency and percentage.
Results: Findings are as follows 1) The content directivity of the generated diagnostic test has an IOC value in the range of 0.67 – 1.00 where the answer level (A-tier) has a precision of 0.822; the difficulty is in the range of 0.40 – 0.85, and the power is classified. In the range of 0.25 – 0.70 over the answer level (R-tier) the precision is 0.834 and the difficulty is in the range of 0.42 - 0.88. and the classification of power is in the range of 0.20 – 0.65. 2) The results of the defect diagnosis showed that the students had a misunderstanding. Newton’s second most significant law of motion is the computation of the interaction force. The weighting inside the elevator, the meaning of the weight of the object, and the calculation of the rope tension through. The smallest misconception among students is the meaning of force.
Conclusion: The results show how well the diagnostic test measures students' comprehension at various knowledge levels, with a high degree of accuracy and variability in difficulty. The discovery of prevalent misunderstandings also emphasizes the significance of focused interventions to address particular areas of misunderstanding and enhance general comprehension in physics instruction.
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