Improving the Quality of Life to Promote Holistic Health of the Elderly in Nonthaburi City Municipality
Quality of Life; , Elder; , Holistic HealthAbstract
Background and Aims: The densely populated urban community of Nonthaburi Municipality is located in Mueang District, Nonthaburi Province, Thailand. Regarding the state of the elderly in the region, it is discovered that there is a good chance that their number will keep growing. Hence, the municipality emphasizes the need to provide care for the aged by including it in the development strategy for enhancing and advancing people's quality of life and health. Having a sufficient income based on the principles of the economy and living in a comfortable environment following the public health and educational plans, senior people's physical and mental health will be promoted by taking care of them. Thus, the purpose of this research article is to study the development of the quality of life of the elderly in the area of Nonthaburi City Municipality.
Methodology: This is qualitative research using interviews with key informants, observation of activities to improve the quality of life of the elderly, and documentary research. The research instrument was a structured interview. Data were analyzed according to qualitative research methods, by providing meaning, analysis, and interpretation.
Results: Nonthaburi City Municipality has an aged society. Therefore, the concept of holistic health of the elderly has been used as a guideline for improving the quality of life of the elderly in 6 dimensions: physical health, mental health, social health economic health, spiritual health, and environmental health. The Elderly people are classified into 3 groups to be able to provide targeted public services and respond to their needs: (1) Social group is a group of elderly people who can rely on themselves Able to help others, the community, and society (2) Homebound group is a group of elderly people who can take care of themselves. able to help themselves somewhat, and (3) the bedridden group is a group of elderly people who cannot rely on themselves Unable to help themselves, disabled or handicapped. The municipality emphasizes collaboration networks with government agencies, the private sector, the public sector, and academic institutions both inside and abroad. It aims to be a model area for improving the quality of life of the elderly.
Conclusion: The goal of improving the quality of life of the aged by Nonthaburi City Municipality is based on the notion of holistic health, which includes physical, mental, social, economic, spiritual, and environmental elements. Tailored public services that cater to the various requirements of the senior population are provided by focused classification into social, homebound, and bedridden groups. The municipality is positioned as a trailblazer in the field of aged care and well-being enhancement due to its emphasis on collaborative networks.
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