Influences of Work Motivation on the Performance Efficiency of the Personnel of the Provincial Administrative Organizations in the Upper Northeastern Region 2
Work motivation; , Performance efficiency; , Provincial Administrative OrganizationAbstract
Background and Aims: Human resources can be considered a key factor to drive the organization towards its goals. Executives, whether in the public or private sectors, have placed great emphasis on human resources management. To manage and lead their organizations to achieve their goals and objectives, the executives need quality personnel who are always ready to work efficiently. Certainly, efficient organizations bring about effectiveness and these effective organizations can generate successes providing the executives and personnel in the organizations with useful results and benefits. Motivation to work is another factor that will influence the personnel or human resources’ organizational commitment. It is regarded as a huge problem for operating every organization. Thus, every organization tries to find ways to motivate its employees so that the organization’s work efficiency and objectives can be increased and accomplished by these motivated personnel. This research aimed at studying the level of work motivation and the performance efficiency of the personnel of the Provincial Administrative Organizations in the Upper Northeastern Region 2 and investigating the influences of work motivation on the performance efficiency of the personnel of the Provincial Administrative Organizations in the Upper Northeastern Region 2.
Methodology: The population used in the study included 285 personnel who reported to the Provincial Administrative Organizations in the Upper Northeastern Region 2. The statistics employed for data analysis consisted of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Multiple Regression Analysis.
Results: These results were found in the study: the overall work motivation of the personnel of the Provincial Administrative Organizations in the Upper Northeastern Region 2 was at the highest level; when considering each aspect, it was also found that every aspect of the personnel’s average motivation to work was at the highest level. Regarding all work motivation factors, the motivational and hygiene/ maintenance factors had the highest and second highest means, respectively. When testing a hypothesis, it was found that motivation to work influenced on the performance efficiency of the personnel of the Provincial Administrative Organizations in the Upper Northeastern Region 2. In addition, these factors significantly influenced on the performance efficiency of the personnel of the Provincial Administrative Organizations in the Upper Northeastern Region 2, at a .05 statistical level: career progress, acceptance/respect/recognition, success in work, and accountability/ responsibility. It was explainable that the aforementioned elements could be used all together to correctly predict the level of the performance efficiency of the personnel of the Provincial Administrative Organizations in the Upper Northeastern Region 2, 80 percent. Likewise, as for the hygiene/ maintenance factor, these components of the hygiene/ maintenance factor significantly influenced the performance efficiency of the personnel of the Provincial Administrative Organizations in the Upper Northeastern Region 2, at .05 statistical level: job stability, salary and compensation, job/career traits, and colleagues’ interpersonal relationships. Altogether, these components could be used to accurately foretell the level of the performance efficiency of the personnel of the Provincial Administrative Organizations in the Upper Northeastern Region 2, 77.80 percent
Conclusion: The results of the study confirmed that the personnel of the Provincial Administrative Organizations in the Upper Northeastern Region 2 had their work motivation and performance efficiency at a high level. These specific factors were integral to the prediction of their performance efficiency: work progress, acceptance/ respect/ recognition, success in work, accountability/responsibility, job security/stability, salary and compensation, occupational characteristics, and colleagues’ interpersonal relationships. However, since job characteristics; relationships with the superiors; policy and management, and working conditions did not significantly influence the performance efficiency, this indicated that other factors played more important roles than the aforementioned factors in determining the overall performance efficiency of the personnel of the Provincial Administrative Organizations in the Upper Northeastern Region 2.
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