7S Administrative Model Affecting the Efficiency of the Local Administrative Organizations in Kham Ta Kla District, Sakon Nakhon Province
Efficiency; , Local Government Organizations; , 7S Administrative ModelAbstract
Background and Aims: In the administration of every organization for the organization to be successful and achieve its goals as set forth, it is necessary to apply the McKinsey 7S model of management as a tool that is used in management. Therefore, the 7S management model based on McKinsey's 7S concept is a new management tool that is appropriate for evaluating organizational status. Thus, this research is quantitative research using a language survey method. The purposes of the study included the following: 1) To investigate the level of 7S Administrative Model and the efficiency of the local administrative organizations in Kham Ta Kla District, Sakon Nakhon Province, and 2) To study the influences of the 7S Administrative Model on the efficiency of the local administrative organizations in Kham Ta Kla District, Sakon Nakhon Province.
Methodology: The sample was obtained through a stratified random sampling technique, the samples consisted of 148 personnel of the local administrative organizations in Kham Ta Kla District, Sakon Nakhon Province. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire and the statistics employed for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Multiple Regression Analysis.
Results: (1) The overall 7S Administrative Model of the local administrative organizations was at a high level. Likewise, the efficiency of the local administrative organizations was at a high level. (2) The variables of the 7S Administrative Model could be used together to correctly predict the efficiency level of the local administrative organizations for 88.10 percent (R2Adj=.881) with statistical significance at .05 level. When considering the sub-components of all variables of the 7S Administrative Model, it was found that except for administrative style and shared values, these variables contained high regression coefficients: work system (β=.690), strategy (β=.363), organizational structure (β =.261), personnel (β=.116) and skills (β=.108).
Conclusion: The 7S Administrative Model work system, strategy, organizational structure, personnel, and skills on the efficiency of the local administrative organizations in Kham Ta Kla District, Sakon Nakhon Province.
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