The Enhancement Writing Readiness of Early Children with Storytelling Activities Guangxi Kindergarten School, Qingxiu District, Nanning City, China




Writing Readiness; , Early Children; , Storytelling Activities


Background and Aims: The organization of teaching and learning activities that promote writing skills in Early children should be enjoyable. Promoting writing skills should be a natural learning process, considering children's natural growth and development. Therefore, this research aims to compare preschoolers' writing readiness before and after participating in activities involving storytelling.

Methodology: The target group used in this research is 15 early children aged between 5 and 6 years of Guangxi Kindergarten School, Qingxiu District, Nanning City, academic year 2023, obtained by selection method. Purposive Sampling The tools used in the research include: 1) Assessment of writing readiness of early childhood children, divided into 2 areas: control of movement in coordination with vision. and perception of the direction of writing Chinese characters and a plan for organizing 8 storytelling activities. Statistics used in data analysis include mean and standard deviation. and testing for One group pretest-posttest design

Research results: The research found that the average scores of early childhood children's writing readiness in controlling movement in coordination with vision. As well as perception of the direction of writing Chinese characters before and after participating in storytelling activities. Each aspect has a higher score than before. Before organizing the storytelling activity The aspect of controlling movement in coordination with vision after the activity in terms of perception of the direction of writing Chinese characters. Before organizing the activity, and after organizing the activity.

Conclusion: Organizing activities by telling stories to promote readiness in writing after organizing the activities made most of the early childhood children well-prepared for writing.


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How to Cite

Zhou, C., & Rattanakiat, P. . (2024). The Enhancement Writing Readiness of Early Children with Storytelling Activities Guangxi Kindergarten School, Qingxiu District, Nanning City, China . Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(3), ุ669–680.


