Influence of Quality of Working Life and Organizational Commitment Affecting Burnout syndrome of Land Readjustment Office Personnel and Organize water Systems for Agriculture 9
Quality of Working Life;, Burnout Syndrome; , Organizational CommitmentAbstract
Background and Aims: That person's work, no matter what type of work it is, what kind of rewards it has, or how it uses different knowledge, abilities, and responsibilities, all have stress from work. If stress is accumulated over a long time and is not resolved, it may lead to burnout. Thus, this research is quantitative research using a language survey method. The purposes of the study included the following: 1) The level of quality of working life Organizational commitment and Burnout syndrome of Personnel of Land Consolidation and On-Farm Development Regional Office 9 2) The influence of quality of work life affecting Burnout syndrome of Personnel of Land Consolidation and On-Farm Development Regional Office 9 3) The influence of quality of working life affecting organizational commitment of Personnel of Land Consolidation and On-Farm Development Regional Office 9 4) The influence of organizational commitment affecting Burnout syndrome of Personnel of Land Consolidation and On-Farm Development Regional Office 9.
Methodology: The samples consisted of 177 Personnel of Land Consolidation and On-Farm Development Regional Office 9. The tool used for data collection was a questionnaire and the statistics employed for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Multiple Regression Analysis.
Results: (1) The quality of working life overall was at a high level. Organizational commitment overall was at a high level. Burnout syndrome overall was at a low level. (2) Quality of working life variables can together predict the Burnout syndrome of Personnel of Land Consolidation and On-Farm Development Regional Office 9 by 37.90 percent (R2Adj=.379). When considering the sub-components of the quality of working life variables, it was found that the variables with the highest regression coefficients were: In terms of being accepted by co-workers (β=.437), in terms of adequate and fair compensation, followed by (β=.407) in terms of opportunities for advancement and ability development (β=.363). and balance between workload and personal life (β=.265), respectively, except for the work environment that is convenient and safe. In terms of advancement and job security Personal rights in the workplace and benefits to society. (3) Quality of working life variables Able to jointly predict the commitment organization of Personnel of Land Consolidation and On-Farm Development Regional Office 9. by 82.80 percent (R2Adj=.828) when considering the sub-components of the quality of working life variable It was found that the variable with the highest regression coefficient was personal rights in the workplace (β=.414), followed by advancement and job security (β=.400). Social benefits (β=.255) Convenient and safe working environment (β=.141). and adequate and fair remuneration (β=.127). (4) Organizational commitment variable Able to predict the Burnout syndrome of Personnel of Land Consolidation and On-Farm Development Regional Office 9. by 25.80 percent (R2Adj=.258). When considering the sub-components of the organizational commitment variable, it was found that the variable with the highest regression coefficient was the strong desire to maintain which is organizational membership (β=.486). Except for the aspect of strong belief and acceptance of the organization's goals and values. and willingness to put in a lot of effort for the benefit of the organization.
Conclusion: the study emphasizes how important it is for employees' burnout levels to be influenced by their quality of working life and organizational commitment. Organizations can improve employee well-being and reduce the danger of burnout by placing a high priority on elements like opportunities for promotion, fair compensation, and supportive work cultures and environments. These results highlight the significance of taking preventative action to address workplace variables that lead to burnout, which will eventually promote a more robust and efficient workforce.
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