Enhancing The Critical Reading Ability Among Mattayomsuksa 3 Student’ Using Folk Literature-Based Approach Learning Activities and SQP2RS Strategies
Critical Reading; , SQP2RS Strategies; , Folk Literature-Based ApproachAbstract
Background and Aims: Communication without boundaries at present invariably requires the ability to receive information through reading with critical thinking as a fundamental skill. When considering O-NET scores in the Thai subject, the study shows that Phrae Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 has an average score lower than the national average score. The purposes of this research were to 1) Develop learning activities using folk literature-based approach learning activities and SQP2RS strategies to enhance the critical reading ability among Mattayomsuksa 3 and 2) Study the results of learning activities using folk literature-based approach learning activities and SQP2RS strategies to enhance the critical reading ability among Mattayomsuksa 3
Methodology: The samples of this research were 17 students in Mattayomsuksa 3 of BanWangfon (Sitthirasbumrung) School, 1st semester of academic year 2023, Cluster random sampling. The research instruments were. The research instruments were (1) Learning management plans based on folk literature-based approach and SQP2RS strategies, and (2) Critical reading test, which has passed quality checks in terms of item objective congruence more than 0.5, 29 items. the difficulty index is equal to 0.33-0.78, the discrimination index is equal to 0.30-0.75, and with a reliability value (KR-20) of 0.86. The statistics used for data analysis were mean, percentage, standard deviation, and dependent sample t-test.
Results: 1) The learning management plans using folk literature-based approach learning activities and SQP2RS strategies to enhance the critical reading ability among Mattayomsuksa 3 were the four main teaching steps of the learning activity model were; 1) Stimulate critical thinking 2) Survey 3) Respond and 4) Summarize and evaluate, The learning management plan was checked by experts and found to be appropriate at a high level (M=4.36, SD=0.84), and 2) The effects of trying out the learning activity plans using folk literature-based approach learning activities and SQP2RS strategies to enhance the critical reading ability among Mattayomsuksa 3 were found 1) The efficiency of learning management plans (E1/E2) equals 83.28/80.29 which is higher than the standard criteria, and 2) Students had a critical reading ability on the post-test is higher than the pretest at the significant level of .05.
Conclusion: The learning management plans using folk literature-based approach learning activities and SQP2RS strategies were at a high level of appropriate, the efficiency is higher than the standard criteria, and Students had the critical reading ability is higher.
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