Waste Management Knowledge and Public Participation Affecting Waste Management Efficiency of the People in Akat Sub-district Administrative Organization, Akat Amnuai District, Sakon Nakhon Province
Knowledge; , Waste Management; , Public Participation; , Waste Management EfficiencyAbstract
Background and Aims: Factors that cause many countries to face the problem of solid waste are population growth, economic expansion, and technological advancement. The change in people's consumption behavior, causes the amount of waste and leftovers to increase and tends to increase every year. The purposes of this study included the following: 1) To investigate the level of waste management knowledge, public participation, and waste management efficiency of the people in Akat Sub-district Administrative Organization, 2) To study the influences of waste management knowledge and public participation on the waste management efficiency of the people in Akat Sub-district Administrative Organization, and 3) To explore and gain the model for developing waste management efficiency of the people in Akat Sub-district Administrative Organization.
Methodology: The samples consisted of 381 people who lived in Akat Sub-district Administrative Organization, Akat Amnuai District, Sakon Nakhon Province. The questionnaire was used as the tool for data collection and statistics employed for data analysis incorporated frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Multiple Regression Analysis.
Results: (1) Waste management knowledge of the people as a whole, was at the high level. Overall, public participated in waste management was at a moderate level. Furthermore, waste management efficiency as a whole, was at a high level. (2) In light of the people’s waste management knowledge, these aspects influenced waste management efficiency and they could be used all together to correctly predict the people’s waste management efficiency 31.60 percent (R2Adj=.316) with statistical significance at .01 level: the negative effects of the waste (β=.170), waste management (β=.148), types of the waste (β=.145), and the meanings of the waste (β=.131). Regarding public participation, these aspects of public participation the exclusion of taking part in receiving the benefits, influenced waste management efficiency and they could be used jointly to correctly predict waste management efficiency for 48.40% (R2Adj=.484) with statistical significance at .01 level: waste management operation (β=.283), decision making (β=.156), and the evaluation (β=.131). And (3) These suggestions were provided for developing a waste management efficiency model to (3.1) Conduct a campaign to raise awareness and provide knowledge about solid waste management to the people. (3.2) Should campaign and encourage people to participate in solid waste management. (3.3) Collaborate with relevant agencies and community leaders to create a joint mechanism to change the correct waste management behavior of the people.
Conclusion: The study indicates a high level of waste management knowledge and efficiency among the populace, coupled with moderate public participation. However, leveraging these factors, alongside targeted campaigns and collaborative efforts, is pivotal in optimizing waste management practices and enhancing efficiency.
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