Synthesis of Literature on Community Learning Center Development Guidelines
Research Synthesise; , Community Learning Centre; , Guidelines for Developing Community Learning CentresAbstract
Background and Aims: Community learning centres are learning resources for people in the community. It is the centre of the community for gathering information, knowledge, and wisdom. To promote and support learning management, transferring, exchanging experiences, culture, and local wisdom, and organizing various activities of the people in the community to create the behaviour of loving to search for knowledge and learn on your own according to your needs widely and continuously. Therefore, the synthesis of the literature on guidelines for developing community learning centres is extremely beneficial to the community. Thus, this research aims to study the characteristics of research on the development of community learning centres.
Methodology: The population used in the research is Research on guidelines for developing community learning centres from the TCI database published from 2017 - 2023, totalling 8 subjects. The content scope is to synthesize 3 characteristics: research objectives, research methods, and guidelines for developing community learning centres, and synthesize 3 volumes of documents regarding the establishment of community learning centres using keywords: Community Learning Centre Community, information resources.
Results: (1) the research objectives were found that the most developed community learning centre model, followed by community learning centre management guidelines. (2). Research methods found that Mixed research methods were used the most, followed by qualitative research methods. and developmental research methods. (3). Guidelines for developing community learning centres include (3.1) management, (3.2) cooperation network partners, (3.3) knowledge, (3.4) learning activities, (3.5) public relations, and (3.6) Information technology.
Conclusion: The study reveals a prioritization of understanding advanced models and management guidelines for community learning centres, alongside a preference for mixed research methods, particularly qualitative and developmental approaches. Furthermore, the guidelines for centre development emphasize essential components such as effective management, collaborative partnerships, knowledge dissemination, engaging learning activities, strategic public relations, and leveraging information technology. These findings offer crucial insights for the improvement and establishment of community learning centres, aiming to optimize their impact and effectiveness in serving communities.
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