The Guideline to Development of the Effectiveness of Educational Institutions under Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 3




Effectiveness; , Development Guidelines;, Rhythmic Pacing Student


Background and Aims: Effectiveness is a measure. or a tool used to indicate the organization's success in achieving its goals. which arises from cooperation to work under the management of leaders who can create motivation for subordinates to work to their fullest potential. This research aims to (1) Study the current condition and the desired conditions and effectiveness of educational institutions Under the Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. And 2) Study guidelines for improving the effectiveness of educational institutions.

Methodology: Phase 1: Study the current condition and the desired conditions and effectiveness of the educational institution. The sample group was 302 people. The tool was a questionnaire. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Priority Needs Index. Phase: 2 studied guidelines for improving the effectiveness of educational institutions using the interview forms, and interviewed 9 senior experts, consisting of university professors Deputy Director of the Area Office, Educational Supervisors, Educational Institution Directors, and Teachers. The content of the data obtained from the interviews was analyzed using interpretation methods and presented descriptively.

Results: (1) Current condition and effectiveness, the overall level is at a high level. When considering the desired conditions and effectiveness of educational institutions overall it was at the highest level. (2) Study guidelines for improving the effectiveness of educational institutions. The ability to produce students with high academic achievement found 8 items guideline, part Ability to develop students to have positive attitudes found 8 items guideline, part ability to change educational institutions to suit the environment found 9 items guideline, and part problem-solving abilities of the educational institution found 10 items guideline. Includes 35 items of guidelines for improving the effectiveness of educational institutions.

Conclusion: The research indicates that the current condition and effectiveness of educational institutions are already at a high level, with the desired conditions being even higher. However, to further enhance effectiveness, specific guidelines have been developed across four key areas: academic achievement, positive attitude development, adaptation to environmental changes, and problem-solving abilities. These 35 guidelines offer a structured approach to improving educational institutions' effectiveness in these critical areas.


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How to Cite

Phonchamni, P. ., & Duangchatom, K. . (2024). The Guideline to Development of the Effectiveness of Educational Institutions under Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(2), 623–644.


