Model of Community Participation in Exercise to Promote Health for the Elderly in Chaiyaphum Province




Promotion; , Elderly; , Tai Chi Dance Exercise


Background and Aims: Driving the work of the elderly has been carried out continuously over the past 10 years. The government has guidelines for reforming the system to support an aging society. Measures to support an aging society as proposed by the Ministry of Finance. Elderly Society 6 Sustainable, 4 Change and measures to drive an aging society for Thai people to live longer, which has initiated integrated budgeting under “Integrated plan to prepare to support an aging society”. Thus, this research aims to 1) study the need for health promotion with exercise for the elderly and 2) Develop exercise patterns to promote health for the elderly by community participation.

Methodology: The study was conducted with the elderly in the elderly club. Ruamjai Phatthana Community Elders Club, 31 people, Santisuk Phatthana Community Elders Club, 33 people, Khong Yang Phatthana Community Elders Club, 51 people, totaling 115 people. The instrument used was a pair-response questionnaire. 5-level rating scale questionnaire and structured interview Quality of research tools It has a content validity value between 0.95 -1.00 and a reliability value. (reliability) statistics used in data analysis, by finding the percentage, mean, and standard deviation. and assess needs and analyze them by using the Modified Priority Needs Index (PNI Modified) method.

Results: (1) Elderly people need to promote their health through exercise. that urgently need to be developed Improved and fixed to promote the health of the elderly Time for exercise, academics, health and physical fitness testing, service personnel, formats and activities exercise, and the location, equipment, facilities, and attitudes about exercise is at a moderate level This indicates that the elderly still attach importance to exercise to promote their health at a moderate level. (2) Forms of exercise to promote health for the elderly It is an application of 18 Tai Chi dance moves, divided into 2 phases of the exercise program: Phase 1: stretching the muscles and warming up the body. Takes about 5-10 minutes. Phase 2: Exercise with Tai Chi dance moves. It takes approximately 20-30 minutes. Total time is approximately 25-30 minutes. It is prepared as a manual with a CD to accompany the use of exercise formats that have been developed and are appropriate in terms of activity formats, use of media, and equipment for exercising. As well as manuals and media supporting the use of exercise formats, they are at the highest level in every aspect.

Conclusion: Research reveals a critical need for older adults to prioritize their health through exercise. This points to a moderate but noteworthy level of commitment in various respects. of exercise Launch of a well-structured Tai Chi dance program Complete with a comprehensive manual and media It shows a prepared and supportive approach. It is considered a promising avenue for promoting health among the elderly through engaging and accessible forms of exercise.


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How to Cite

Promsit, S. (2024). Model of Community Participation in Exercise to Promote Health for the Elderly in Chaiyaphum Province. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(2), 165–182.


