Reform Lifelong Learning: Harnessing Technology for Effective Teaching and Learning
การเรียนรู้ตลอดชีวิต, , การควบคุม,, เทคโนโลยี, , การสอน, , การเรียนรู้Abstract
Background and Objectives: As technology continues to be a driving force in the education realm, the symbiotic relationship between innovative tools and effective teaching and learning is becoming more apparent from studies reshaping lifelong learning: Using technology for effective learning. The objectives of the research are to (1) synthesize the integration of technology in learning, and (2) synthesize the challenges, successes, trends, and impacts of technology on future lifelong learning.
Methodology: This research is used to collect and synthesize academic information to support lifelong learning through a systematic and structured literature review process. The research focuses on integrating comprehensive information on technology in learning, challenges, successes, trends, and impacts of technology on lifelong learning. This is important for learners, teachers, administrators, and researchers who want to learn and keep up with changing technology and lifelong learning.
Results: Results of the synthesis on reforming lifelong learning: Using technology for effective learning consists of two elements: (1) integrating technology in learning and (2) challenges, successes, trends, and impacts. Technology in future lifelong learning. Component 1: Integration of technology in learning consists of 1) Learning technology; (1.1) Learning Management System (1.2) Interactive simulations and virtual classrooms (1.3) Educational applications. 2) Empowering learners through technology; (2.1) Personalized learning; (2.2) Access and inclusion. 3) Strengthen cooperation and communication; (3.1) Collaboration tools; (3.2) Social media platforms; (3.3) Communication technology. And 4) Assessment and feedback in the digital age; (4.1) Technology-driven assessment methods and (4.2) Real-time feedback mechanisms. Component 2: Challenges, successes, trends, and impacts of technology on future lifelong learning include: 1) Challenges and considerations; (1.1) Access and equity; (1.2) Digital literacy; (1.3) Potential limitations, 2) best practices for success; (2.1) highlighting successes in technology integration; (2.2) reviewing positive results and lessons learned, and 3) future trends and impacts; (3.1) emerging technologies and (3.2) considerations for stakeholders
Conclusions: The study highlights the importance of technology's role in lifelong learning, encompassing the integration of learning management systems and the development of learning using interactive models to challenge success. Future trends and impacts related to the application of technology in education in various ways to improve the quality of lifelong learning experiences. This research brief provides a comprehensive overview and a foundation for effectively promoting lifelong learning through technology.
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