Development of Instruction Model with Participatory Learning to Enhance Educational Innovator for Pre-Service Teachers




Instructional Model; , Participatory Learning; , Educational Innovator


Background and Aims: The design of teaching and learning activities must have guidelines or formats to serve as models for organizing activities or guidelines for learners to interact together. The objectives of the research are 1) to create an instruction model with participatory learning to enhance educational innovator for Pre-Service teachers, 2) to study the results of using an Instruction model with participatory learning to enhance educational innovator for Pre-Service teachers.

Methodology: The tools used in the research include: 1) instruction model with participatory learning to enhance educational innovator for Pre-Service teachers, 2) evaluation of educational innovator. The sample group consisted of 30 Pre-Service teachers enrolled in the subject Innovation and Information Technology for Education, obtained by simple random sampling by lottery. Statistics used in data analysis include mean, percentage, standard deviation, and T-test.

Results: 1) Instruction model with participatory learning to enhance educational innovator for Pre-Service teachers consists of 1) elements of the model as follows: 1.1) concepts or theories 1.2) objectives of the model 1.3) methods Organize teaching and learning committee activities 1.4) Measurement and evaluation 2) The learning and teaching process includes step 1 analysis, step 2 reflection, step 3 planning, step 4 evaluation, 3) results are the characteristics of the Educational innovation consists of 3.1) ability, 3.2) behavior, 3.3) attitude. Instruction model quality Evaluated by 3 experts, the quality was at a very good level with an average of 4.43 or 88.57 percent. 2) Pre-service teachers' scores as innovators after studying were significantly higher than their pre-study scores at the .05 level.

Conclusion: the participatory teaching and learning model designed to foster educational innovation among teacher-students encompasses key components and processes, yielding highly-rated educational innovators. Expert assessments highlight the model's exceptional quality, with an 88.57% satisfaction level. Furthermore, statistically significant improvements in students' educational innovation scores post-engagement underscore the model's effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Plodkaew, K. (2024). Development of Instruction Model with Participatory Learning to Enhance Educational Innovator for Pre-Service Teachers. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(1), 835–850.