Participation of Network Partners Subdistrict Level Quality of Life Development Committee In Preventing and Controlling COVID-19 Disease, Phasuk Subdistrict, Wang Sam Mo District Udon Thani Province
Network Partners Participation; , Subdistrict Quality of Life Development Committee; , Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Disease; , Phasuk Subdistrict, Wang Sam Mo District Udon Thani ProvinceAbstract
Background and Aims: The COVID-19 outbreak, a novel coronavirus disease, has had an impact on public health and economic systems worldwide in 2019. The Center for Situation Administration of the Coronavirus Disease was established in order to stop the 2019 coronavirus disease from spreading. All sectors must take part in the efficient process of disease prevention and control in order to attain maximum efficiency. So, the purpose of this action research is to examine involvement. Create a participation model and assess how well the sub-district quality of life development committee network's participation model works to prevent and manage COVID-19 disease.
Methodology: Gather quantitative data on all members of the Phasuk Subdistrict Quality of Life Development Committee network by employing purposive selection to select 45 individuals, and gather qualitative data through in-depth interviews and participant behavioral observation. The Mayor of Phasuk Subdistrict, the Director of the Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital, and the Village Headman—who employs purposeful selection—are members of the Phasuk Subdistrict Quality of Life Development Committee. The researcher's own questionnaire, which had an IOC value of 1 and had undergone content validity checks, served as the data collection tool. Using the Cronbach alpha coefficient method, reliability was examined. The reliability value of the questionnaire test results was 0.84. A statistical package was utilized for data analysis, and descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and minimum and maximum values were included. Paired t-test statistics were used to analyze the use of participation models of sub-district quality of life development committee networks in the prevention and control of COVID-19 disease, with a significance level of 0.05 for statistical analysis. and use content analysis to analyze qualitative data, classifying it based on issues and problems.
Results: (1) To determine problems and disease causes, the Phasuk Subdistrict Quality of Life Development Committee's network partners have conducted community surveys. Their objective is to plan efficient preventive and control measures as well as come up with solutions to the COVID-19 issue that the community faces. By employing this strategy, the network partners can precisely assess issues facing the community and create efficient plans of action for COVID-19 prevention and control. (2) A four-step model of network partners' involvement in the Phasuk Subdistrict Quality of Life Development Committee's efforts to prevent and control COVID-19 disease Step 1: Increasing public knowledge of COVID-19 disease issues and causes. Step 2: Developing a plan for the prevention and control of COVID-19 disease. Step 3: COVID-19 prevention and control measures. Step four involves keeping an eye on and assessing COVID-19 prevention and control efforts. (3) The community participation model's evaluation findings in each of the three areas for COVID-19 prevention and control are very good. The application of this model has resulted in efforts to prevent and control diseases that are clearer and more organized. It has also decreased barriers to resource management, increased the efficacy of activity planning, monitoring, and evaluation, and inspired the network to work hard and effectively.
Conclusion: The performance of the body's network and the development of quality of life at the sub-district level are both examined and assessed in this study. The Community Psychology Center (CPC) is in charge of investigating issues related to resource management and oversight, as well as the network that has... The network's knowledge stories are formed by the harmonious integration of its various components, which is made possible by operational actions.
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