Study the Motivation for Entering Military Service in the 9th Infantry Division Surasee Camp Kanchanaburi Province
Motivation; , Government officer;, 9th Infantry DivisionAbstract
Background and Aims: The importance of military officials cannot be overstated, as they play a pivotal role in safeguarding national security, maintaining public order, and executing defense strategies. Military officials, encompassing officers and enlisted personnel, form the backbone of armed forces worldwide. Their responsibilities extend beyond combat and include disaster response, humanitarian aid, and peacekeeping operations. Thus, the objective of this research study is to study the motivation for entering military service, a case study of the 9th Infantry Division, Surasi Camp, and to benefit those who wish to enter military service, at the 9th Infantry Division, Surasi Camp.
Methodology: the sample group. used in this research is the population of the 9th Infantry Division, Surasee Camp, Kanchanaburi Province, with a total of 8,535 people and a sample size of 368 people. Data were collected using questionnaires. and analyzed with descriptive statistics.
Results: (1) the internal motivation found that those interested in military service were highly motivated, and had high intentions to perform military duties. They are also physically ready and have skills suitable for the job, which indicates that this career is an interesting choice and matches the abilities of those interested. (2) The extrinsic motivation found that those interested in military service were highly motivated by superiors and a stable environment, and had high intentions to study and receive welfare, the demonstrated interest and consideration for both professional performance and personal welfare.
Conclusion: Research results show that those interested in military service have high intrinsic motivation and high intentions to perform military duties. along with physical readiness and appropriate skills (internal aspect) motivation from superiors and a stable environment (external aspect) along with a high intention to study and receive welfare (external aspect) showing interest and considering both professional performance and personal welfare.
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