Health Promotion Concept Implementing Health Education in Small Schools in Thailand within the Context of Sustainable Development




Health Promotion; , Health Education; , Sustainable Development


Background and Aims:    Health promotion is essential because the world is changing rapidly, affecting humans in various ways. Human health is influenced by multiple factors, including personal, environmental, and workplace elements. Schools are crucial environments that play a significant role in promoting the health of students and the community. Specifically, health education activities are provided to students, marking the initiation of good health practices. Therefore, the objective of this study was to study the concept of health promotion using health education in small schools in Thailand within the context of sustainable development.

Methodology: This study analyzed relevant academic documents. Then the content will be analyzed and presented descriptively.

Results: Therefore, health education activities should be tailored to enable students to sustainably modify their behavior and keep pace with the changes in today's world by fostering knowledge, values, attitudes, and responsibilities for their own health and the well-being of the community. Furthermore, school collaboration with community agencies stands out as one of the keys to fostering good health among students and individuals in the community.

Conclusion: Adjusting physical education activities is essential to facilitate sustainable behavior change in students, aligning with the current global transformations. This involves promoting knowledge, values, attitudes, and responsibility towards personal and community health. Additionally, school collaboration with community organizations is a key factor in fostering long-term health benefits for both students and the community.


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How to Cite

Watkoksung, W., & Suttiwan, W. (2024). Health Promotion Concept Implementing Health Education in Small Schools in Thailand within the Context of Sustainable Development. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(1), 435–450.