Academic Leadership of Educational Institution Administrators Towards Academic Administration of Basic Educational Institutions under the Primary Educational Service Area Samutprakarn Office 1
Leadership; , Academic Leadership; , Academic AdministrationAbstract
Background and Aims: The purposes of this research are to 1) study the level of academic leadership of educational institution administrators 2) study the level of academic administration of educational institutions 3) study the academic leadership of educational institution administrators that affects administration. academics and 4) study the relationship of academic leadership among educational institution administrators.
Methodology: The population includes educational institution administrators. and teachers under the jurisdiction of the Samut Prakan Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 1, academic year 2023, totaling 2,062 people. The sample group includes educational institution administrators and teachers, numbering 322 people, classified as educational institution administrators, numbering 16 people, and teachers, numbering 306 people, determining the sample size. Using the Krejcie & Morgan table, the sample was randomly stratified according to the size of the school. The tool used is a questionnaire that is a 5-level rating scale with a confidence value of .972. Statistics used in data analysis include percentages, means, and standard deviations. Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression analysis.
Results: 1) academic leadership of educational institution administrators Overall and every aspect is at a high level. 2) Academic administration of the educational institution overall and all aspects is at a high level. 3) The academic leadership of educational institution administrators towards the academic administration of basic educational institutions. There is a high level of positive correlation. It is statistically significant at the .01 level and has a correlation coefficient between (rxy=.481-.680) with statistical significance at the .01 level. 4) Academic leadership of educational institution administrators towards the academic administration of the educational institution. It was found that the variables that can predict academic administration of educational institutions Statistically significant at the .01 level include teamwork. Aspects of setting vision, mission, goals, missions, and promoting atmosphere and environment. Predictive equations can be created in the form of soil scores and standard scores as follows.
Y´ = 1.608 + .407X2 .264X4+ .261X1
Z´y= .499Zx2 + .386Zx4 + .294Zx1
Conclusion: The results of the research show that the academic leadership of school administrators is of high quality, both inclusive and in all aspects. and academic administration of educational institutions that are of high quality, both inclusive and in all aspects. The results show that academic leadership has a statistically significant relationship at the .01 level with the academic administration of educational institutions both at the school level and in various areas. In addition, it was found that some variables can Predict the academic administration of educational institutions. It has statistical significance at the .01 level, which includes teamwork. Setting the vision, mission, and goals, missions and promoting the atmosphere and environment in educational institutions. The results of this study can provide useful information in developing and improving the academic administration of the educational institution in terms of academic leadership and overall policy determination of the educational institution.
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