Developing a Cooperative Learning Teaching Model Computational Science Course Using Electronic Books




Collaborative Teaching Style;, Electronic Books; , Phibun Mangsahan School


Background and Aims: Organizing learning according to the collaborative learning approach is the direct duty of the teacher in creating knowledge, and understanding to create practical skills in organizing the learning process, or promoting the learning process so that students can learn by themselves by actually doing and seeking knowledge knowingly. Thus, the aims of this study are 1) to develop a collaborative teaching model for computational science subjects; using electronic books. And 2) To study the results of using a collaborative teaching model for computational science subjects using electronic books.

Methodology: The sample group includes Mathayom 2/2 students at Phibun Mangsahan School, semester 2, academic year 2021, totaling 40 people which was obtained using the cluster random sampling method. The tools used in the research include 1) a collaborative teaching model for computational science subjects using electronic books. 2) management plans. 3) electronic book computational science course. 4) academic achievement test computational science course. 5) measurement of satisfaction with electronic books. 6) questionnaire of teachers' opinions on the cooperative teaching model for computational science subjects using electronic books. Statistics used in data analysis are percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test statistics.

Results: The results of the study found that (1) Developing a collaborative teaching model for computational science subjects. Using electronic books as follows; 1) Teachers need to organize teaching and learning activities in the computational science subject. Overall, it is at the highest level. 2) Students have a desire to organize activities. Overall teaching and learning is at a high level. 3) Experts have opinions about the appropriateness of the cooperative learning teaching model. Computational science course using electronic books Overall, it is seen that it is at the highest level of suitability. (2) Results of using the collaborative teaching model to learn the subject of computational science. using electronic books; 1) Results of finding the efficiency of the collaborative teaching model for computational science subjects. Using electronic books, the value is equal to 82.21/82.83. 2) Comparative results of the academic achievement of students who studied with the cooperative teaching model in the subject of computational science using electronic books After studying was significantly higher than before studying at the .05 level. 3) Results of the study of satisfaction with electronic books Overall, it is at the highest level.

Conclusion: Developing a collaborative teaching model for computational science using e-books is very appropriate for teachers, students, and experts. Moreover, the use of this teaching model has a positive effect in increasing the learning efficiency of students in the computational science subject and keeping their satisfaction with e-books at the highest level.


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How to Cite

Boonkeang , R. . (2024). Developing a Cooperative Learning Teaching Model Computational Science Course Using Electronic Books . Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(1), 267–286.