The Development System Thinking Skills by Learning Management Used Question-Based Learning (QBL) of Grade 4 Student of Ban Ladtai School




Question-based-learning; , Systematic Thinking Skills; , Students


Background and Aims: Education is a crucial factor in driving and developing a country. Nations that advance in the field of education see development in various aspects, including population quality, economy, science, technology, society, and culture. Education should not be limited to the responsibility of a few but should be instilled as a lifelong learning process. The skills of questioning and systems thinking play a significant role in lifelong learning. The purpose of this research is to 1) Study the effectiveness of question-based learning management. 2) Develop systems thinking skills through question-based learning management. 3) Investigate satisfaction with question-based learning management. The research employs action research within a PAOR cycle.

Methodology: The target group consisted of 10 fourth-grade students from Ban Ladtai School in the first semester of the 2023 academic year, selected through purposive selection. The research tools used include 1) A learning management plan on algorithms and problem-solving. 2) A set of activities to develop systems thinking skills. 3) Student behavior observation forms. 4) Systems thinking skills assessment forms and 5) Interview forms for satisfaction with question-based learning management. The data analysis utilized mean, standard deviation, and the efficiency index (E1/E2).

Results: The research findings indicate that: 1) The efficiency index of question-based learning management for fourth-grade students at Ban Ladtai School is 84.13/82.00, exceeding the established benchmark. 2) The development of systems thinking skills after question-based learning management, combined with activities for systems thinking skills on algorithms and problem-solving, showed an average efficiency of 82.00, which exceeds the 60% benchmark and 3) Interview results indicate positive satisfaction among students with question-based learning management regarding the learning environment, teaching methods, and teacher's personality.

Conclusion: The research findings indicate that the learning management approach using questions as a foundation in Grade 4 of Ban Ladad Tai School is highly effective and surpasses the set standards, with a score of 84.13/82.00. Additionally, the development of system thinking skills, coupled with the use of questions as a basis and a set of additional system thinking activities, yielded results exceeding the 60% benchmark, with an average percentage score of 82.00. Furthermore, student satisfaction with question-based learning, as assessed through interviews, revealed positive attitudes towards the learning environment, teaching management, and the personality of the instructors.


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How to Cite

SeiloSreechai, S., & Hankuttum, C. (2024). The Development System Thinking Skills by Learning Management Used Question-Based Learning (QBL) of Grade 4 Student of Ban Ladtai School. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(1), 357–376.