Development of Innovative Marketing Communication for Products Distribution of Chom Phra Fishery Community




Innovation; , Marketing Communication; , Community Products; , Rhythmic Pacing Student


Background and Aims: Community products are unique products that are produced by the community, which uses raw materials available in the community and uses knowledge from local wisdom to create uniqueness for the products, most of which are handicraft products. There is also food and food processing which are community products that are produced in large quantities according to the geography and culture of the community. Thus, this research aims (1) to study the problems and needs of the Chom Phra fishery community in terms of products, use of social media marketing communication, public relations, and marketing communication model of Chom Phra fishery community products, and (2) to develop marketing communication innovations to sell products of Chom Phra fishery community 3) to assess the quality of marketing communication innovations in the Chom Phra fishery community.

Methodology: Key informants include: The essential informants in Objective 1 were 5 Chom Phra community leaders and 20 Chom Phra fishery community product group members, a total of 25 people, using purposive random sampling. The group of informants in objective two was composed of six experts using purposive random sampling. The sampling group assessing the quality of the innovation consisted of 152 people from the Chom Phra fishery community, using simple random sampling. The research tools were structured interviews—issues in group discussions—and questionnaires. The data were analyzed by content analysis, and descriptive statistics consisted of percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

Results: The results showed that most Chom Phra villagers make a living as fishermen, and fresh fish is obtained from fishing because the Huai Thap Than River flows through. Villagers gather to process fish from their fishery. However, the products could be better known. Most are sold at the Bueng Bun district fresh market, tourist rafts, and village acquaintances. Villagers can use social media such as Facebook, Line, and TikTok. Group members want to publicize and sell products through social media to generate revenue and sales through such channels. The innovative marketing communications developed include posters, video clips, and content marketing to promote on Facebook, websites, and YouTube. The results of the quality assessment of marketing communication innovations were found to be at the highest level in all aspects, in terms of meeting users' needs, functionality, and suitability for use.

Conclusion: Chom Phra villagers talk about fishing and processing fish into 4 main products: Marinated fish, Marinated fish hatched, Banded fish, and Marinated fish eggs that are often sold in the Bueng Burapha district fresh market, Subdistrict Administrative Organization doctors, and if in the village Can use social media such as Facebook, Line, and marketing to promote and sell products. Increase income and sales Marketing communication innovations developed include posters, video clips, and marketing.


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How to Cite

Phuangok , A. ., & Panleow, J. (2024). Development of Innovative Marketing Communication for Products Distribution of Chom Phra Fishery Community. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(1), 333–356.