Effects of Complex Training Combined with the Practice of Imagery on Muscle Strength, Flexibility, and Serving Accuracy of Double Regu Sepaktakraw, Thailand National Sport University
Complex Training; , Imagery Practice;, Muscle Strength; , Flexibility; , Serving AccuracyAbstract
Background and Aims: Developing the ability of a Sepak Takraw athlete to reach their full potential as a server requires developing correct leg swing patterns and body movement. The ability to enhance leg swing in Sepaktakraw is flexibility. This is the main part of raising the feet to the highest level and helps support the movement of the body, increasing the degree of movement and increasing the perfection of movement skills. Thus, the purposes of this study were to examine and make a comparison between the effects of complex training combined with the practice of imagery on muscle strength, flexibility, and serving accuracy of double regu Sepaktakraw, Thailand National Sports University.
Methodology: The samples were 40 Sepaktakraw players of Thailand National Sports University, Sisaket Campus, in the age range of 19–25 years old and parted into 2 groups; the 1st group was in the experimental group and performed the complex training together with the imagery practice; the 2nd group were in the control group and tried out with only the complex training. The instruments used to examine them were the complex training program, the imagery with the Sepaktakrwa serving program, and the imagery practice questionnaire. The tools used to collect data were the leg dynamometer test for muscle strength, the sit and reach test for flexibility, and the Sepaktakrwa serving accuracy test. Both the control and experimental groups spent 8 weeks of training, 3 days each, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. After the 8 weeks of training, the data was analyzed using means, standard deviation, a dependent t-test within the group before and after the 8-week duration of training, and a dependent t-test between groups after the 8th week.
Results: After the 8th week of training, the experimental and control groups had higher leg muscle strength, flexibility, and accuracy in serving Sepaktakrwa balls than before training, at a statistical significance of .05. The results of comparing leg muscle strength, flexibility, and accuracy in serving Sepaktakrwa balls between groups found that after the 8th week of training, the experimental group had higher muscle strength, flexibility, and accuracy in serving Sepaktakrwa balls. The control group has statistical significance at the .05 level.
Conclusions: The results of the study showed that after the 8th week of training, the experimental group showed higher improvements in leg muscle strength, flexibility, and precision in Sepaktakrwa serves compared to the control group. It has a significant statistical value at the .05 level for every measurement item that was made.
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