Development of Online e-books Using Active Learning to Promote the Thai Reading Skills of Students in Prathomsuksa 6
E-books; , Active learning; , Reading Skills; , Thai languageAbstract
Background and Aims: Reading is an essential skill for students in Prathomsuksa 6. The objectives of this research are: 1) to study the effectiveness of online e-books using active learning to promote the Thai language reading skills of students in Prathomsuksa 6 of Natthabanjongwittaya School in Lampang Province to have efficiency according to the criteria of 80/80, 2) To compare students' reading skills before and after school in Prathomsuksa 6 of Natthabanjongwittaya School in Lampang Province, studying through online electronic books By using active learning; 3) To compare the academic achievement before and after learning of students in Prathomsuksa 6 at Natthabanjongwittaya School in Lampang Province who study through online e-books using active learning and 4) To investigate the satisfaction level of Prathomsuksa 6 students at Natthabanjongwittaya School in Lampang Province, explore online e-books using active learning.
Methodology: This research's population and target group are 30 students of Prathomsuksa 6 of Natthabanjongwittaya School in Lampang Province. The research tools used in this study include a proactive learning plan, online e-books, reading skills assessments, the student achievement assessment form, and the student satisfaction assessment form. The 80/80 criteria from the E1/E2 formula were used to analyze the effectiveness of online e-books. A T-test analysis was used to compare reading skills and academic achievement before and after the study. The mean and standard deviation were used to analyze the satisfaction level of Prathomsuksa 6 students at Natthabanjongwittaya School in Lampang Province who study online e-books using active learning.
Results: The research results found that 1) the developed online e-book had an efficiency of 85.33/89.22, following the specified criteria; 2) the average score of students after studying with online e-books using active learning had a percentage of progress higher than the score of the student's pre-study reading skills assessment by 25.95 percent; 3) the average score of students after studying with online e-books using active learning had a percentage of progress higher than the students' academic achievement scores before studying by 54.57 percent; 4) in this regard, Prathomsuksa 6 students of Natthabanjongwittaya School Lampang Province, who studied with online e-books using active learning, had the highest overall satisfaction.
Conclusion: The online e-books developed are influential according to the specified criteria. The Prathomsuksa 6 students' mean scores after studying with online e-books using active learning were higher than the reading skill assessment scores before studying. The Prathomsuksa 6 students' mean scores after studying with online e-books using active learning were higher than the students' pre-study achievement scores. The Prathomsuksa 6 students who studied with online e-books using active learning had the highest overall satisfaction.
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