The Training Needs Analysis for Human Resource Development in Local Administrative Organizations




Need for Training; , Personnel Development; , Feedback


Background and Aims: Organizational development and training must provide development training to continually increase the knowledge and abilities of personnel to keep up with modern technology, as well as promote and support personnel to advance in their career positions. The objectives of this research are to: 1. Analyze training needs. To develop human resources of local government organizations. 2. Provide recommendations on short courses for local government organizations. of the College of Politics and Administration at Mahasarakham University.

Methodology: This research is qualitative, 20 people provided important information which was selected in a specific way Data were collected using semi-structured interviews to conduct in-depth interviews with key informants. In data analysis The main content analysis method was used and computer programs were used to help analyze qualitative data, including Nvivo, to help organize and organize the data. and help analyze data results.

Results: (1) Analysis of training needs for human resource development of local administrative organizations. College of Politics and Administration There are courses to provide knowledge and skills for the job. There are courses to increase work efficiency. There is a curriculum to support future progress. And there is a training course to suit the nature of work. Because development gives personnel knowledge, skills, and attitudes to work and creates work behaviors. As a result, the operation of the agency achieves its objectives. Training can take many forms, such as training, coaching, and socialization real work trials. (2) Suggestions on short courses for local government organizations of the College of Politics and Administration Mahasarakham University include Courses to provide knowledge and skills in the job Courses to increase work efficiency Curriculum to support future progress Training courses to suit the nature of work.

Conclusion: The results of the research indicate the need for training to develop human resources in local government organizations and political and administrative colleges. There is a curriculum that supports knowledge and skills on the job and results in personnel having knowledge, skills, and attitudes that support the organization's work to achieve the agency's objectives.


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How to Cite

Khempet ์. (2024). The Training Needs Analysis for Human Resource Development in Local Administrative Organizations. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(1), 171–184.