Branding Strategies of Private Universities in the Digital Era




Brand; , Branding Strategy; , Private Universities; , The Digital Age


Background and Aims: Higher education institutions are becoming more competitive every year, which can be seen from the number of students entering universities decreasing yearly. Due to the changing population structure. The birth rate has dropped significantly. In addition, the value of pursuing a degree and its importance in the new generation has decreased because they can access new and different careers that are more open. As a result, there is more supply than demand. Current higher education institutions, especially private universities, have to compete more than public universities. They must adapt and develop both the quality of the curriculum and the marketing by creating brands that are more valuable and interesting than in the past. Moreover, they have to plan brand-building strategies in line with social trends in the digital age to make a difference and attract students to study continuously. This article presents 8 issues of branding strategies of private universities in the digital era

Methodology: This study is a study of related documents and research. Analyze and present according to the educational objectives.

Results: The 8 issues of branding strategies of private universities in the digital era; namely displaying the university's identity through online channels, marketing through content that is valuable and useful to website visitors, search Engine Optimization, email marketing, Changing the personality of the university to reach the target group, digital storytelling, Pay-per-click advertising, and presentations that are consistent in every aspect.

Conclusion: The eight pain points identified outline a holistic approach to branding strategies for private universities in the digital age. From an online presence to a consistent presentation Together, these strategies form a comprehensive framework aimed at optimizing digital presence. Attract the target audience and promote a positive image for private educational institutions in the evolving digital landscape.


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How to Cite

Pinwithe, S., & Untaweesin, A. . (2024). Branding Strategies of Private Universities in the Digital Era. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(1), 113–126.