The Collaborative Management Guideline of the Teacher Professional Experience for Students in Physical Education in the Digital Age of Northern Regional Universities
Collaborative Management; , Teaching Professional Experience Training; , Northern Regional UniversitiesAbstract
Background and Aims: A study of problems in management approaches for cooperation in teaching professional experience training for students in the field of physical education in the digital age of the Northern Group of Rajabhat Universities. This is to present guidelines for managing cooperation in teaching professional experience training for physical education students in the digital era of the Northern Group of Rajabhat Universities. The purpose of this research is to study problems and find ways to manage cooperation in teaching professional experience training for students in the field of physical education in the digital age of the Northern Group of Rajabhat Universities.
Methodology: There are three processes for conducting the research 1) study the problems by using questionnaires on management, cooperation, and teacher professional experience training for students in physical education in the digital age of Northern Rajabhat Regional University. The sample group used in the research was obtained through a simple random sampling of staff involved in the physical education teacher training from a total population of 900 people. Craigie and Morgan tabulated the total sample of 269 people. The instrument used to collect data was a questionnaire with a 5-level rating scale with a reliability value of 0.97. The statistics used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. 2) find administrators for a teacher training workshop for physical education students by using a group research method of seven experts and analyzing the data using content analysis techniques. 3) evaluate management guidelines for cooperation in teaching professional experience training. For students in physical education, a questionnaire is used to evaluate the guidelines. The sample group consisted of 30 staff members involved in physical education teacher training using the purposive sampling method. The tools used to collect data were questionnaires to evaluate guidelines. The statistics used to analyze the data are percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
Results: (1) Problems in managing cooperation in teaching professional experience training for students in physical education in the digital age. The overall level of the Northern Rajabhat Regional University is at a moderate level. When considering each area, it is found that the highest level of cooperation management problems is work. In terms of academic administration work, the overall level was at a moderate level, the lowest aspect. In terms of human resource management, the overall level was at a moderate level. (2) Guidelines for managing cooperation in teaching professional experience training for students in physical education in the digital age: 1) in academic administration, various teaching styles are planned, improved, inspected, and evaluated in preparation for teaching and in organizing teaching and learning activities. Emphasis is placed on using various digital learning platforms; modern technology teaching equipment is used in teaching to be consistent and appropriate for education in the digital age. 2) in budget management work, there is a plan to establish a budget, adjust and change the budget, and supervise and monitor operations according to the disbursement plan for paying the budget of the Teacher Professional Training Department. 3) in general administration work, there is cooperation in planning and considering appointing each person appropriately, helping specify the duties of each party, including inspection, and monitoring and evaluating each department so that each department can achieve its goals and meet the set objectives. 4) human resource management, educational institution directors, and mentor teachers work together to use a database system to provide factors to support the operations of physical education students. Plans are updated to match the budget, including collaborating to inspect and monitor student operations. And (3) In the results of evaluating management guidelines for teaching professional experience training for students in physical education in the digital age of Northern Rajabhat Regional University, it was found that the overall score was at the highest level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the highest accuracy, suitability, feasibility, and usefulness.
Conclusion: The results show that the problem of managing cooperation in teaching professional experience training for physical education students in the digital age is moderate overall. Management guidelines recommend the use of digital learning platforms and effective planning. The evaluation results show that this management approach is the most appropriate and beneficial, with the characteristics of accuracy, appropriateness, feasibility, and usefulness.
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