The Intention of Conscription into State Military Labour




Citizen Labor; , Conscription; , Military Service Act; , Violation of rights


Background and Aims:  Currently, the forced conscription of citizens to serve as soldiers in many civilized countries is conscripted under Convention No. 29 on forced or forced labor. Thailand has had a forced labor system since the past to control the military force which is considered an important force for use in protecting and maintaining the country's sovereignty. The purpose of this research is to outline the goals and objectives of the conscription of citizen labor into military labor.

Methodology:  The research methodology used is qualitative research. Contains document research, and in-depth interview resulted in the discovery that the problem occurred because the law of Thailand did not specify the objective framework for conscripting citizens into military labor.

Results: The finding found that (1) military labor has been used in a way that is not by the international objectives of forced labor, causing violations of the rights of conscripted military workers, both physically and mentally. (2) In addition, we found 4 guidelines for conscription law development: The only purpose of the conscription of citizen labor must be for the security of the country, there must be an establishment of the training framework for military readiness, there are assigned special rights and benefits of conscripted soldiers, and lastly the assignment of duties must be clear. (3) the recommendation is to add provisions regarding the goals and objectives of conscripting citizens into military labor into the constitutional law and amend the Military Service Act to be consistent with constitutional law within the specified period. So that the law, both at the Constitutional and Act levels, has a clear objective framework. This is to prevent the wrong use of conscripted labor at the discretion of commanders and to protect the rights, freedom, and human dignity of forced citizen workers.

Conclusion: In the past, the Thai Military Service Act used to focus only on the form. Recruitment procedures and protection of benefits and remedies for conscripts only. in the development of state military conscription law Next, the objectives and training procedures should be framed to increase skills in protecting the nation. and the recruitment of citizens must be for the security of the country. A training framework has been established to prepare the military. and must specify the special rights and welfare of conscripted soldiers. and clearly define the framework of responsibilities


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How to Cite

Phanphruk , W. ., & Into, S. . (2024). The Intention of Conscription into State Military Labour. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(1), 237–246.