The Development of Life Skills Indicators for Analyzing, Decision-Making, and Creative Problem-Solving in Primary Students from a University Demonstration Government School




Life Skills Indicators; , Life Skills;, University Demonstration Government School


Background and Aims: Life skills are the ability of a person, which consists of knowledge and attitude in dealing with problems around them. The ability to use life skills is the ability to apply various processes in daily living, and learning. Working and living together in society by fostering good relationships between people, and managing problems and conflicts appropriately requires training oneself to have strengths in analytical skills, decision-making, and appropriate behavior. This paper aims to study the development of life skills indicators for analyzing, decision-making, and creative problem-solving in primary students from a university demonstration government school has objectives which are to synthesize life skills indicators for analysis, decision-making, and creative problem-solving, and to analyze the components of these life skills.

Methodology: The study involves 305 participants, including teachers and parents of primary students in the university demonstration government school. To synthesize the life skills indicators, the content was analyzed and summarized into three categories: analysis, decision-making, and creative problem-solving. A single 5-point rating scale tool was created to collect data on the evaluation of these indicators in primary students. The collected data were analyzed using basic statistics, and an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted to examine the components of the indicators.

Results:  The synthesis of life skills indicators for analysis, decision-making, and creative problem-solving in primary students from a university demonstration government school yielded a total of 18 indicators. These indicators were further categorized into two components: the first component focused on problem analysis with 13 indicators, while the second component emphasized practical revision and publication, consisting of 5 indicators. The Eigen Values for these components were 8.445 and 4.631, respectively. The percentage of variation explained was 46.919% for the first component and 25.730% for the second component. The component values ranged from 0.591 to 0.904.

Conclusion: Indicators of life skills of primary school students in demonstration schools of public universities. By analyzing and collecting data, there were 18 skill indicators divided into 2 areas with eigenvalues of 8.445 and 4.631 and a percentage of the variance of 46.919% and 25.730%, respectively.


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How to Cite

Sornsiri, M. ., Sauphayana, S. ., & Usaho, K. . (2023). The Development of Life Skills Indicators for Analyzing, Decision-Making, and Creative Problem-Solving in Primary Students from a University Demonstration Government School . Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(6), 985–1004.