The Development of Training Curriculum Creating the Learning Media of Infographics for Industrial Teacher Students




Curriculum Development; , Training Curriculum; , Learning Media: , Industrial Teacher Students


Background and Aims: Training in creating learning media with infographics for students in the industrial teaching profession, which will serve to produce quality industrial teachers. Learners need to know basic subject skills, specialized subject skills, and teacher skills to be able to transfer and practice industrial technology appropriately to students in educational institutions. Thus, the objectives of this research were to: 1) develop of training curriculum creating the learning media of Infographic for industrial teacher students; 2) investigate the efficiency of a training curriculum in creating the learning media of Infographic for industrial teacher students; 3) study the satisfaction of learners of training curriculum when creating the learning media of Infographics.

Methodology: The samples were undergraduate students in the academic year 2023 at the Faculty of Industrial Education University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, twenty students were selected by purposive sampling. The research instruments employed in data collection were a training curriculum on creating the learning media of Infographics, a comprehensive test on creating the learning media of Infographics, an operational skill evaluation form, and a satisfactory evaluation form. Statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test.

Result:  1) training curriculum created the learning media of Infographic for industrial teacher students at high level; 2) the efficiency of the training curriculum on creating the learning media of Infographic for industrial teacher students revealed that (1) industrial teacher students’ knowledge and understanding of creating the learning media of Infographic after training was higher than before training with statistical significance at .05 level; (2) industrial teacher students’ operational skills of creating the learning media of Infographic was at the highest level and 3) teachers’ satisfactions toward the training curriculum was at the highest level.

Conclusion: The designed training curriculum has been successful in enhancing the expertise of industrial teacher students in creating infographic learning materials. This is proven by improving knowledge. operational skills and the overall satisfaction of the participating teachers was statistically significant. The effectiveness of the program highlights its value in developing both theoretical understanding and practical application in the field of creating infographics for industrial education.


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How to Cite

Wongjinda, W., Chatpuk, R. ., Sukachat, N. ., & Nusso, T. . (2024). The Development of Training Curriculum Creating the Learning Media of Infographics for Industrial Teacher Students. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(1), 79–92.