Physical Fitness Effects of the 1st Year Business Administration Students in Sports for Health Course, Bangkok Thonburi University
Physical Fitness; , Thickness of Subcutaneous Fat; , Sitting and Bending Forward; , Hand Squeeze Force; , Standing - sitting on a Chair; , Running around the Pole; , Rhythmic Pacing StudentAbstract
Background and Aims: Physical fitness testing is very important in the teaching of health and physical education learning subjects as well as education students studying sports for health subjects. This is an indicator for teachers in the health and physical education learning groups. The purpose of this study is to study the physical fitness of first-year students in the School of Health and Sports Business Administration in the first year of the 2022 academic year at Bangkok Thonburi University.
Methodology: the sample was first-year students in the School of Health and Sports Business Administration in the first year of the 2022 academic year at Bangkok Thonburi University, a total of 67 students, divided into 6 males and 61 females. Standard deviation and percentage.
Results: The physical fitness of male and female students Have physical fitness calculated as a percentage The thickness of the subcutaneous fat was at a very good level, accounting for 46.49 and 45.80%. Sitting with the body bent forward was at a very good level, accounting for 45.09 and 46.87%. Hand squeezing strength was at a very good level. It is 38.63% and 32.38% standing - sitting on a chair for 60 seconds is at a very good level. The highest percentage is 56.90% and 57.96% running around the main road is at a very good level. The highest were 35.13% and 35.78%. The 3-minute pace was at a moderate level. The highest were 33.41 and 30.6%.
Conclusion: The sample group's physical fitness was mostly at a good level. and very good, showing that students have taken care of themselves to have good physical fitness. However, some areas must be improved to stimulate the development of better physical fitness than at present. That is, the endurance of the heart and blood circulation is moderate.
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