Wellness Behavior of Chinese Students at Bangkokthonburi University





Wellness Behavior; , Chinese Students;, Bangkokthonburi University


Background and Aims: Due to the outbreak situation of the Covid-19 virus in the past. Most people are becoming more interested and aware of their health care. Staying healthy helps build your immune system and protects you from viruses. People therefore change their lifestyle to the New Normal. Therefore, it is an interesting issue to study the health trends of many groups of people. Observing that Chinese students have different lifestyle habits from Thai students, but still care about their health. The researcher is therefore interested in studying the health behavior of Chinese students. To study the Wellness behavior of Chinese students at Bangkokthonburi University.

Methodology: The sample group used in this research consisted of Chinese students studying and living at Bangkok Thonburi University, a total of 232 people. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire on the Wellness behavior of Chinese students at Bangkokthonburi University created with a reliability of 0.71. The data were analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

Results: (1) general information of Chinese students at Bangkok Thonburi University can be summarized as a total of 232 people, divided into 158 males 68.10 %, and 74 females 31.90 %. (2) knowledge and understanding about health There are 3 levels of Chinese students. Out of the total scores in answering the health questionnaire, 1856 points, Chinese students answered "yes" questions, totaling 1564 points, 84.3 percent. From the analysis of this data, the respondents answered correctly. More than 75 percent were at the high level. And (3) Health care behavior of Chinese students at Bangkok Thonburi University was found to be at a good level.

Conclusion: There were 232 Chinese students at Bangkok Thonburi University, with 68.10% male and 31.90% female. Their understanding of health was high (84.3%) and their healthcare behavior was good according to the analysis of the data received.


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How to Cite

Pacharasitangoon, P., Soonchan, R. ., Pholtan, N. ., Talubtong, P. ., & Zaechou, P. . (2023). Wellness Behavior of Chinese Students at Bangkokthonburi University. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(6), 783–796. https://doi.org/10.60027/iarj.2023.272228