Factors Affecting the Satisfaction of Those Taking the Assessment and Certification of Knowledge and Abilities: Case Study of the Institute for Skill Development 1, Samut Prakarn Province





Factor; , Occupational Licensing Assessment; , Skill Development


Background and Aims: Human resources are an important resource for the development of organizations in both the business and industrial sectors, society as well as the development of the country. Human resources are developed to have quality and knowledge to keep up with changes by providing knowledge and reforming processes. Learn to upgrade the skills of workers to meet standards. Therefore, it is very necessary to be consistent with the production structure and changing technology. At present, there are no provisions related to encouraging professionals to undergo assessment and certification of knowledge and abilities for use in work. Occupation and development of efficiency of business establishments. Skill Development Institute 1 Samut Prakan, located in Samut Prakan Province, is a province with many types of industrial sectors, including occupations, job positions, or work characteristics that may be dangerous to the public. This research aims; (1) To study the level of factors affecting the satisfaction of those taking the assessment and certification of knowledge and abilities. (2) To study the satisfaction level of those taking the assessment and certification of knowledge and abilities. (3) To study the factors affecting the satisfaction of those taking the assessment and certification of knowledge, and abilities. And (4) To study recommendations for improving the satisfaction of those taking the assessment and certifying their knowledge and abilities.

Methodology: The sample group included 286 participants who took part in the assessment and certification of knowledge and abilities at the Skill Development Institute 1, Samut Prakan, Fiscal Year 2023. The researcher gathered data through a questionnaire and statistical analysis, which included frequency distribution statistics, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and linear multiple regression analysis utilizing the Enter method at a statistical significance level of .05.

Results: The research results found that (1) The level of factors affecting the satisfaction of those taking the assessment and certification of overall knowledge and ability is at the highest level. (2) The level of satisfaction of those taking the assessment and certification of their overall knowledge and abilities is at the highest level. (3) Factors that affect the satisfaction of those taking the assessment and certification of knowledge and abilities. It was found that .595 (R = .595) all independent variables were able to explain the variation of the dependent variable equal to 35.5 percent with a value of R2 = .355 and a value of F=38.584. And (4) suggestions on factors that affect the satisfaction of those taking the assessment and certification of knowledge and abilities, including Assessment and certification of knowledge and skills should be promoted to be more widely known for the benefit of those who pass the skill standard test. Should survey needs/monitor performance/evaluate results so that people are satisfied when they undergo the evaluation and certification of knowledge and abilities? Public relations among educational institutions and organizations should be increased to allow more people to be evaluated and certified for knowledge and ability. Personnel in each technical field should be increased to be sufficient for those to be assessed and certified for knowledge and ability. There should be more locations for evaluating and certifying knowledge and abilities to facilitate the public.

Conclusion: Satisfaction level of those taking the assessment and certification of knowledge and abilities. In the case study of Skill Development Institute 1, Samut Prakan, the value was the highest. All factors can explain 35.5 percent of the variation in satisfaction, with greater awareness and publicity playing an important role in increasing the satisfaction of those taking the competency assessment and certification.


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How to Cite

Songsang , Y., Soonthorn, S., & Injun, R. . (2024). Factors Affecting the Satisfaction of Those Taking the Assessment and Certification of Knowledge and Abilities: Case Study of the Institute for Skill Development 1, Samut Prakarn Province. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(1), 287–304. https://doi.org/10.60027/iarj.2024.272097