Model of Applying the 4 Brahma Viharn Principles to Personnel Management in Organization
The 4 Brahma Viharn Principles; , Personnel Management; , OrganizationAbstract
Background and Aim: Managing cultural diversity, emotions, and differences in the workplace can be a problem when it's not possible to create an environment that is inclusive and receptive to diversity. This can lead to conflicts and disputes within the organization. This article aims to synthesize ideas about applying the 4 Brahma Viharn principles in personnel management, emphasizing the importance of everyone being aware of applying these principles. The 4 Brahma Viharn principles in personnel management are applied to align with the management responsibilities of those in positions of authority, ensuring that subordinates receive fairness and equitable treatment being able to receive recognition for one's work, wholeheartedly enjoying a sense of fairness and satisfaction, becomes a source of inspiration and motivation to put in physical and mental effort, driving the progress of the organization. This is the essence of the study's content.
Methodology: This study used document analysis and related research methods. Analyze the content and present it descriptively according to the study objectives.
Results: The 4 Brahma Viharn principles are exquisitely embodied, serving as noble qualities and virtues for adults. They are aimed at the highest righteousness, akin to the sublime Dharma, and are composed of 1) Maeta, love, and benevolent intentions wish for his happiness, well-being, a boundless mind, and thoughts that benefit all beings, human and animals alike. 2) Karuna, with compassion and sympathy, contemplates aiding in the liberation from suffering. Cultivate the intention to alleviate the intense and distressing afflictions of all sentient beings. 3) Mudita, the joy that arises when others are well and happy, with a clear and radiant mind, delighting in a state of contentment, is always openhearted and rejoicing for all sentient beings who are normally joyful. It blossoms further when they are well and thriving. And (4) Upekkha, the impartiality that remains centered, sustaining itself in righteousness as determined through discernment – possessing a composed and straightforward mind, balanced like the scales of justice, unswayed by attachment and aversion. Discerning the actions that all beings have performed, deserving of either positive or negative outcomes, by their intentions.
Conclusion: Buddhism creates 4 Dharma principles that indicate the mental qualities of adults. It consists of the qualities of loving-kindness, kindness, compassion, and equanimity, all of which aim at the highest dhamma and aim at creating good things to alleviate the suffering of all beings.
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