A Participatory Management Appoach to Sustainable Waste Management
Waste Management Guidelines; , Participation; , Amata Nakorn Industrial EstateAbstract
Background and Aims: Collaborative management remains a good approach to tackling complex problems and requires a commitment to cooperation. However, caution must be exercised, and issues that arise in collaboration must be appropriately addressed to achieve success in collaborative projects or related activities. Sometimes, there may be an imbalance in participation, which can result in certain parties having more influence than others, potentially affecting decision-making and the execution of tasks according to the preferences of the more influential group or party.
Methodology: This study used document analysis and related research methods. Analyze the content and present it descriptively according to the study objectives.
Results: The participatory management guidelines for sustainable waste management at the area level are to be used as a guideline to improve and develop waste management work. By developing a roadmap or projects to create activities for communities to build knowledge, raise awareness, and allow people to participate in sustainable waste management. To reduce the health and environmental impacts caused by waste residues can apply the knowledge gained from this research to consider and apply ineffective contextual waste management. And can adopt a guideline for participation in solid waste management around Amata Nakorn Industrial Estate used as a policy level in the relevant departments, government, and private agencies. The information can be used to advocate policies on household waste management. The participation of the community appropriately in the sustainable community context and as a model for community development around various industrial estates in the future, with a guideline for participation in solid waste management around Amata Nakorn Industrial Estate which can be extended in terms of policy and management through a development path that starts from the status quo to a step-by-step change, such as awareness and understanding of the target group first. and able to disseminate knowledge to society widely.
Conclusion: Participatory management of sustainable waste management aims to improve waste management by emphasizing the development of community plans and activities to create knowledge and awareness. Make people participate in waste management to reduce health and environmental impacts. In addition, it is possible to use participatory approaches to push for waste management policies in government and private agencies. and can be a model for developing communities that value and participate in sustainable waste management.
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