Needs on Information and Communication Technology Management to Support Open Education of Students in Rajabhat Universities




Open Education; , ICTservice; , Public Media


ICT policy formulation to benefit strategic plan and ICT master plan that can truly meet the needs of stakeholders. There should be basic information to reflect the use of ICT to enhance and support education management. The purpose of this research was to study opinions on the information and communication technology (ICT) service management at Rajabhat University and the need for the information and communication technology (ICT) service to support the open education of the students at Rajabhat University. The participants were 400 students from 38 Rajabhat Universities, and the data were collected through a questionnaire. The statistics were in percentage, means, and standard deviation. The research findings showed the students’ opinions on the existing available ICT service at Rajabhat Universities which found that; the students’ overall satisfaction with the ICT service was at the ‘moderate’ level. In each aspect, it was separately described as follows: the student’s satisfaction 0n the use of ICT services was rated at the ‘highest’ level, availability of computer software was rated at the ‘high’ level and supportive learning environment was rated at the ‘high’ level. According to the need analysis on those 400 students, it was found that they highly need an open education (77.25%) and in terms of the ICT service supporting the open education, the highest need was for a high-speed internet fully available at the university’s computer network (80.50%), followed by the internet network stability for continuous use (34.75%), and WIFI hotspots available all over the university (54.50%), respectively.


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How to Cite

Intarasit, C., Kwiecien, K. ., & Kanjug, I. . (2023). Needs on Information and Communication Technology Management to Support Open Education of Students in Rajabhat Universities. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 1015–1032.