People’s Expectation of Ethical Behavior of Chum Het Municipality Administrators Mueang Buriram Province
Expectations; , Ethical Behavior;, Municipal ManagementAbstract
Background and Aims: Management is considered to be a very important person to an organization because they play a role in setting policies, planning operations, and guidelines which set an example for others within the organization. If executives are those who have a subconscious mind to set policies and adhere to guidelines for operating with morality and know how to manage efficiently and with morality, it will have an effect on the organization and society as a whole. The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the levels of people’s expectations of administrators’ ethical behaviors in Chum Het municipality, Mueang Buriram district, Buriram province; and 2) to study opinions and suggestions on people’s expectations of administrators’ ethical behaviors in Chum Het municipality, Mueang Buriram district, Buriram province.
Methodology: The sample size was 375 people, as determined using Krejcie and Morgan's sample size table. The instrument was a questionnaire with a reliability of 0.9101. The statistics used for data analysis were percentages, means, and standard deviations.
Results: the people’s expectations of administrators’ ethical behaviors in Chum Het municipality, Mueang Buriram district, Buriram province in overall and individual aspects were at a high level, ranging from high to low levels: work management, man-administration, and self-control, respectively. The comments and suggestions on people’s expectations of administrators’ ethical behaviors in Chum Het municipality, Mueang Buriram district, Buriram province were as follows: the administrators should make regular visits to the area to promptly deal with people’s problems and issues; the technology system used in the organization should be developed to be more efficient in supporting public services; and an urban development plan should be prepared to support the expansion of urban communities in terms of infrastructure and development of people’s quality of life and environment.
Conclusion: Citizens' expectations regarding the ethical behavior of Chum Het Municipality administrators. Mueang Buriram District Buriram Province is very high overall, with the highest averages for employment, employee ownership, and self-employment. Citizens are expected to visit the area regularly, develop technological systems, and create city development plans to support community expansion and improve the quality of life and the environment.
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