Building a Successful Branding in the Digital Era
Brand;, Brand Equity;, Digital EraAbstract
Background and Aims: In today’s society where business owners already have product brands and new businessmen (Start Up) arise who dream of making their brand. Everyone must plan to make their products to be known and stay in the minds of consumers as long as possible. Which the current brand is not just a brand (Brand) with just a name or logo to demonstrate the uniqueness and difference between the brand and the market competitors in the same industry. But for brands to survive in a society where new products are emerging all the time; they must create a brand that lives and lives like a human being and transfers these experiences to consumers. to create and add value to the product Make customers trust both in terms of use and consumer perception. Adding such value can make the brand stay in the minds of customers for a long time and be in a position above competitors. Especially in the digital age society where the high-speed internet network plays a role in doing business and being a medium of communication between brand owners and consumers conveniently. What the brand has already communicated has received good feedback. That means the opportunity for the brand to gain more new customers. Thus, therefore, this study aims to study ways to create successful product brands in the digital age.
Methodology: This study used document analysis and related research methods. Analyze the content and present it descriptively according to the study objectives.
Results: Therefore, building a successful brand in the digital age will consist of (1) Creative branding initiatives and different from competitors. (2) Enhance brand value by providing a good brand experience and service to consumers. And (3) Integrating and adapting media innovations in the digital age so that brands can communicate both activities and sell out to the target group more conveniently.
Conclusion: Building a successful brand in the digital age requires initiative and creative branding to differentiate yourself from competitors and increase brand value through good experiences and services to consumers by integrating and adapting media innovations in the digital age to communicate activities and sales more conveniently.
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