Crisis of People’s Faith with to the Thai Political and Administrative System at Present
Crisis of People's Faith; , Thai Political and AdministrativeAbstract
Background and Aims: The politics and governance problems in Thailand that have passed such as problems of corruption etc. There are often revolutions, coups, abolition of the constitution, and the dissolution of parliament, it is the cause of the political system in Thailand's democratic system of instability, lack of continuity, and unable to achieve the goal of society in solving the basic problems of people's livelihoods and stomach problems, as a result, people are bored with politics and government and it is difficult for people to accept, it has always been the cause of crises of faith in every government. So, the purpose of this article is to synthesize.
Methodology: This study used document analysis and related research methods. Analyze the content and present it descriptively according to the study objectives.
Results: the crisis of people's faith in Thai politics and government emphasizes the truth in 8 aspects as follows: (1) adhesion with the model of democracy 2) patronage system (3) Political interference by the Thai military (4) centralized administration of state affairs (5) corruption (6) Thai political party broken institutionality political truly (7) economic development of Thailand and (8) lack of morality and ethics of politicians. Using the facts mentioned above it is the norm to lead to a correction crisis of people's faith in the present and future.
Conclusion: The crisis of faith in Thai politics can be seen in the attachment to the democratic model, the patronage system, and military intervention in politics. Politics and economics are also important factors, and politicians' lack of ethics is a challenge. The truths discussed here offer important guidelines for resolving the current and future situation.
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