The Development of Learning Management Activities Using Design Concepts to Enhance Learning Management Plan Designing Ability of Primary Education Students Ramkhamhaeng University


  • Thayida Lertchanadecha Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Ramkhamhaeng University Ramkhamhaeng University Demonstration School (Elementary Level), Thailand



Design Concepts; , Lesson Plan Design;, Plan Designing Ability


The teaching and learning of students at the university use teachers' methods of teaching that still focus on memorizing a large amount of content. Students learn through taking notes rather than promoting thinking skills, and teaching and learning do not yet emphasize design thinking. This research therefore has the objectives; (1) To compare the academic achievement of students before and after organizing learning using design thinking. (2) To study the ability to design learning management plans for students. And (3) To study student satisfaction with learning management using design thinking. The population used in the research is 42 undergraduate students in the field of Primary Education, Faculty of Education, Ramkhamhaeng University, in the second semester of the 2022 academic year, who are enrolled in the Thai language course CEE2307(CEE3201) for primary school teachers. The research sample was determined using the G*power program, which resulted in a sample size of 31 people, using a simple random sampling method. The instruments used in this research are; (1) Learning management plan, (2) Achievement test on learning management, design thinking and learning management plans, (3) Ability assessment form for designing learning management plans, and (4) Satisfaction assessment form. Data analysis by finding the mean (𝑥̅), standard deviation (S.D.), and t-test dependent. The results of the research found that; (1) The results of comparing the academic achievement of students after organizing learning using design thinking are higher than before organizing learning with statistical significance at the .05 level. (2) The results of the study of student's ability to design learning management plans from learning management using design thinking were overall at the highest level. When considering each area, it was found that the area with the highest average was the area of learning management media and learning resources, followed by content/learning content and learning activities, the aspect with the least average value is the Components of the learning management plan. And (3) The results of the study of student satisfaction with learning management using design thinking overall were at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that; The aspect with the highest average is learning management, followed by learning content, and the aspect with the lowest average is measurement and evaluation. When considering each item in terms of learning management, the item with the highest average is that students are responsible for themselves and their groups, second is giving students the opportunity to do activities independently and students are enthusiastic about learning. The item with the least average value was providing opportunities for students to participate in activities.


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How to Cite

Lertchanadecha, T. (2023). The Development of Learning Management Activities Using Design Concepts to Enhance Learning Management Plan Designing Ability of Primary Education Students Ramkhamhaeng University. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 977–996.