Motivation Development as Related to Work Performance for Staff in Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahasarakham University




Support Personnel; , Office; , Secretary; , Faculty


Having personnel with expertise and understanding of the activities that the person in charge is like a valuable resource of the organization that will lead the organization's operations towards the goals set to drive the organization to be able to operate. Go efficiently and be able to compete with competitors. The organization, therefore, needs to maintain personnel to commit to the organization and be a member of the organization as long as possible. Therefore, enhancing and developing employee motivation to be more efficient and effective is essential to the organization. The purpose of this research is; (1) To study opinions about work motivation factors affecting organizational engagement of support personnel. (2) To study the job satisfaction of support personnel. (3) To study the work motivation of support personnel. And (4) To study methods for enhancing and developing the work motivation of support personnel. The sample group used in this study was 20 supporting personnel of the Secretariat Office, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahasarakham University. The tool used to collect data is a questionnaire. The quantitative data were analyzed using basic statistics such as percentage, mean, and standard deviation, The qualitative data were analyzed using Content Analysis and presented descriptively. The results showed that; (1) Work motivation factors affecting organizational engagement of supporting personnel as a whole were at a high level. (2) Job satisfaction of support personnel was at a high level. (3) Work motivation of support personnel was at a high level. And (4) Guidelines for enhancing and developing work motivation of supporting personnel include; creating a supportive corporate culture, setting clear goals and rewards, creating spaces and career development opportunities, creating open communication, creating understanding and accountability, growth support, creating a pleasant working atmosphere, Fair consideration and evaluation, and enhancing confidence and confidence.


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How to Cite

Samanchit, P. (2023). Motivation Development as Related to Work Performance for Staff in Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahasarakham University. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 955–976.