The Cultural Identity to Promote Tourism of the Tai Yuan Community, Ton Tan Sub-District, Sao Hai District, Saraburi Province




Cultural Identity; , Thai Yuan; , Local Community Tourism


Cultural tourism is considered a popular form of tourism nowadays. This type of tourism not only helps increase incomes for people in the community but it is also a vital tool to preserve their cultural identities. This research study aims to study the promotion of local tourism using the unique identity of the Thai Yuan’s culture in the Ton Tan Community, Sao Hai District, Saraburi Province. This qualitative research employed document analysis, in-depth interviews, participatory and non-participatory observation, and a focus-group interview. The twenty-six key informants were a community leader, a village sage, a president of weaving groups, local youths, tourism entrepreneurs, and local people. The study collected information on the community’s history and cultural identity and also analyzed how to apply the Thai Yuan identity to promote local community tourism. The data were presented in the form of a narrative. The results showed that the Thai Yuan-Ton Tan Community, Sao Hai District, Saraburi Province inherited the unique identity from their ancestors, and presented the community’s cultural identity to promote local tourism using local identity presentation strategies. They included: 1) the presentation of the physical identities, which were a vintage floating market-Baan Ton Tan, a Thai Yuan Folk Culture Hall, and old temples and buildings in the community; and 2) the presentation of the unique local cultural identities, which were Thai Yuan language, performances, dress codes, and foods.


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How to Cite

Bunkhaio, K. (2023). The Cultural Identity to Promote Tourism of the Tai Yuan Community, Ton Tan Sub-District, Sao Hai District, Saraburi Province. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 755–764.