Synthesis of Online Teaching Methods using Metaverse




Learning Management; , Metaverse Media


Good teaching requires the development of teaching materials by applying the concept of creative theory to the development of teaching and learning on the Internet network, creating online teaching materials in the 4.0 era. Metaverse is a term used to refer to virtual environments created by digital technology in which human representations, known as “avatars”, are created. In the virtual world, everyone will be able to interact and do activities together as in the real world. Therefore, it can be seen that Metaverse is an online teaching and learning medium suitable for the new normal situation which is moving from the situation of the COVID-19 epidemic. The purpose of this research was to synthesize an online learning management model using metaverse technology media. This is documentary research by a research source that is documented and research related to online learning using metaverse technology. Analyzing data by thematic analysis and descriptive presentation. The results showed that; The model for online teaching using Metaverse includes; (1) Immersive Learning Experience: Exploring Learning Regions in Historical Locations: Trials and practice: Language and Cultural Studies: Business transactions and learning: Traveling and exploring interesting things: (2) Adaptability and Problem-solving: New learning and adaptation: Complicated troubleshooting: Use of skills and knowledge: Proactive and Creative Thinking: Working with others: (3) Progressive Learning: Building things in the metaverse: Fixing issues in the metaverse: Learning at a student pace: Focus on the creation process: Giving Buildings and Valuables: Giving advice and following up: (4) Connectivity and Communication: Network Stability: Crystal clear audio and video: Various communication channels: Private communication area: Use of technologies that support communication:  (5) Lifelong Learning: Lifelong learning: Skills to learn: Learn by interest: Learning every day: Using the Metaverse to Learn: (6) Engagement and Challenge: Games and activities with learning content: Giving a feeling of challenge: Provision of monitoring and progress monitoring: Variety of content and activities: Fun and challenging things: and Opening opportunities for further learning.


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How to Cite

Niyomves, B. (2023). Synthesis of Online Teaching Methods using Metaverse. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 647–670.