Developing an Achievement Using Kahoot Games of Biographies and Works on Important Personnel in Thai Nation Creation of 8 Grade Students at Demonstration School of Thepsatri Rajabhat University




Kahoot Game; , Learning Management by Using Games; , Academic Achievement


A teaching style that supports critical thinking and problem solving and an interactive student-based approach that uses flexible lessons, emphasis is placed on exploring learning that encourages learners, and learners respect the value of diversity. However, to achieve the goal of the education plan that wants Thai people to learn for life with quality, online quiz game applications (Kahoot) is one of the best alternatives. Thus, this research aimed to develop lesson plans using Kahoot games, to compare academic achievement before and after studying, and to study the satisfaction of 2nd year of secondary education after studying with Kahoot games under the subject of Biographies and Works of Famous People in the Creation of Thai Nation. The samples from purposive sampling included 50 students in 2nd year of secondary education, Class 6, Demonstration School of Thepsatri Rajabhat University in 1st semester of the academic year 2022. Research instruments included 15 lesson plans, achievement tests with 30 questions, and satisfaction surveys in three dimensions totaling 18 questions. Statistics employed were average, standard deviation, and dependent t-test. Findings show that (1) Fifteen lesson plans using Kahoot games under the subject of Biographies and Works of Famous People in the Creation of Thai Nation for 2nd year of secondary education students had an Index of Item Objective Congruence of between 0.67 to 1.00 with an average of 0.89. (2) The comparison result of academic achievement using Kahoot games under the subject of Biographies and Works of Famous People in the Creation of Thai Nation after studying was higher than the result before studying at the statistically significant level of .05. (3) The result of student satisfaction of 2nd year of secondary education after studying with Kahoot games under the subject of Biographies and Works of Famous People in the Creation of Thai Nation was overall at the highest level.


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How to Cite

Boonsong, V., Bucha, J. ., & Sihawong, A. . (2023). Developing an Achievement Using Kahoot Games of Biographies and Works on Important Personnel in Thai Nation Creation of 8 Grade Students at Demonstration School of Thepsatri Rajabhat University. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 835–850.