Problem-Based Learning Management to Promote Collaborative Problem-Solving Competency and Learning Achievement on Electricity of Grade 9 Students




Problem-Based Learning Activities; , Collaborative Problem-Solving Competency; , Stock Exchange of Thailand


Science plays an important role in present and future world society because science is the explanation of knowledge in nature and helps develop rational thinking, analytical thinking, and systematic problem-solving. Science learning therefore aims for students to learn science that emphasizes linking knowledge with processes and have important skills in researching and creating knowledge using various processes of inquiry and problem solving. The purposes of this research were to compare the learning achievement after receiving the problem-based learning management of grade 9 students on electricity with the criteria of 70% and to study the collaborative problem-solving competency in learning by the problem-based learning management of grade 9 students on electricity. The participants were 32 grade 9 students at Triam Udom Suksa Pattanakarn School, Roi-Et. The research instruments were 9 plans of problem-based learning on electricity for grade 9 students, 18 hours, a learning achievement test which contained of 20 items, difficulty index ranges from 0.26 to 0.66, discrimination power (B) ranges from 0.27 to 0.66, and reliability 0.82, and a collaborative problem-solving competency assessment form, with inter-rater reliability (RAI) 0.89. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and the one-sample t-test. The results showed that: grade 9 students, after receiving the problem-based learning management on electricity, had learning achievement higher than the criteria of 70 percent statistical significance at the .05 level, and Collaborative problem-solving competency: In dimension of Building and maintaining mutual understanding, dimension of Choosing the appropriate action to solve the problem, and dimension of Building & Maintaining group order of students, when they are managed with problem-based learning is increasingly trending.


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How to Cite

Chansungnern, O., & Worakham, P. . (2023). Problem-Based Learning Management to Promote Collaborative Problem-Solving Competency and Learning Achievement on Electricity of Grade 9 Students. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 589–602.