The Effects of Using Parents' Involvement Activity Packages to Encourage Self-Control of Young Children




Activity Packages, Self – Control, Young Children


For early childhood children to live and grow up to be complete human beings in terms of living and working, it is necessary to strengthen early childhood children to be able to control their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors to achieve their goals, in which self-control is one of the key elements in life skills and one of the soft skills that cannot be learned through reading manuals or textbooks, must only be learned through experiential learning processes. Thus, the purpose of this research was to study the effects of using parents’ involvement activity packages to encourage self-control in young children. The target group in this study was the parents from 8 families who have 5-6 year-old children studying early childhood education at Satit Prasanmit Demonstration School (Elementary). The young children all were studying in the summer program in the academic year of 2023. The period of the experiment was carried out for 7 weeks. The instruments used in this study were: 1) parents’ involvement activity packages to encourage self-control of young children, called ‘Self-control Paplearn Jai,’ contained 8 packages with 16 activities; 2) a behavior observation form to check the self-control of children during the use of parents’ involvement activity packages; 3) an opinion interview form toward the parents’ involvement activity packages to encourage self-control of young children. The qualitative data was verified by content analysis. The research revealed that the self-control of young children who received the parents’ involvement activity packages to encourage self-control of young children was increased. For memory and application, young children could memorize the information and explain the relevant situations or actions properly. They also concentrated and focused on work continually. For contemplation, young children could set their goals and plan to complete their work by themselves. They even showed their emotion and feelings complying with the certain situation. They could control their emotion and perform appropriately in their daily life. Parents were satisfied with the activity packages which were interesting and suitable for the current situation. The equipment and materials were well-prepared, and the instructions for the activity packages were clear and easy to understand. The obstacle throughout the use of activity packages was a time limit. Parents could do the activities only at night. However, the parents gained more knowledge and understanding to encourage the self-control of young children. They could use all the knowledge to teach their children further in their daily life well. The impression of activity packages led to a good family relationship. Parents could see the behavior modification of their children’s self-control in succession.


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How to Cite

Samaun, S., Hirunchalothorn, P., & Samahito, C. (2023). The Effects of Using Parents’ Involvement Activity Packages to Encourage Self-Control of Young Children. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 511–530.